Post Your Screenshots! 2nd!

Geometry is funny, but the end result is a bit less than that. On coming back to this with a little time to kill let’s have some math. It’s been a minute so I went for the source.

So 576 plots * 576 plots = 331776 plots for a single layer on a (actually 4.6 km) home world.

2/3 of that is 382. Assuming the ratio is the same with all the requirements above this puts a small world at 3056m.

382 * 382 = 145924 plots then roughly for a single layer of a 3km world.

64m distance from a plot means you’re gonna need at least a circle with a 128m diameter absolute minimum. We need it divisible by 8 and need some room since we can’t make a perfect circle so let’s say 160m. 20 plots across, divided by 2 for radius gives us 10 and Pi * R squared is 314 plots bare minimum per spawn location.

So even if you made 20 generous spawn areas at 350 plots each you’re talking about freeing up about 7k plots.

I’d say to set out on this at planetary scale, it would be best to have at least 140k plots committed.

Portals will have to be at the edge of the spawn zones because if you try and put them at the center you’ld need a plot and then a ring with 2x the radius and meteors would spawn in a ring around it - making it not much better than a platform hunt as it is.

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