Post Your Screenshots! 2nd!

Some pictures of a Sov I created. From Alnitans called Zuhause.


awesome vibe right there! :heart_eyes:


build a shop for Mirva, turned out decent I guess
3 hours work random design (how I like it lol)


I love your designs very beautiful.:heart:




I’m making a new hub area and just decided to bash this corner out and add some water. I liked the shape so I decided to spruce it up a bit.

Lol well I’m cleaning up this area a bit so I might change some of the materials but I like this little fountain and it’s shape/flow.

Anyways to spice up a very plain post here’s some bored chiseling from the little hub/gate on my sov that just finished:

And this. Another sunset/night sky pic heh :rofl:



going to check it, all those chains :smiley: and i see something ill gladly recreate at my home :slight_smile:


as i said post above i went for a trip :slight_smile: few piiiiiics from this awesome place:


inside - waterfall


i like this shop design

central place

view from below

outside, light sources

there are few more awesome builds around, like this

and those

how to get there?
TNT MegaHub upper ring


I love this build so much, I actually built a portal gateway next to it and I’ve started building a temple using the same style. If you wanted to add the beacons together into a guild or something let me know!


Do we know how many plots it would take to plot an entire planet? Like, a small sov? This just reminded me of my idea of plotting a whole sov but leaving space in each region for meteors to land… then a portal to each spot. No clue if that’d work though haha


I have considered something similar, a mesh across a few regions though.

The numbers are available regarding how close a meteor will spawn to a plot, etc…

The number of plots for a 4.5km planet is about 384k though. Offhand I don’t know about a 3km.

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Probably two thirds of 384k which is 256k.

Geometry is funny, but the end result is a bit less than that. On coming back to this with a little time to kill let’s have some math. It’s been a minute so I went for the source.

So 576 plots * 576 plots = 331776 plots for a single layer on a (actually 4.6 km) home world.

2/3 of that is 382. Assuming the ratio is the same with all the requirements above this puts a small world at 3056m.

382 * 382 = 145924 plots then roughly for a single layer of a 3km world.

64m distance from a plot means you’re gonna need at least a circle with a 128m diameter absolute minimum. We need it divisible by 8 and need some room since we can’t make a perfect circle so let’s say 160m. 20 plots across, divided by 2 for radius gives us 10 and Pi * R squared is 314 plots bare minimum per spawn location.

So even if you made 20 generous spawn areas at 350 plots each you’re talking about freeing up about 7k plots.

I’d say to set out on this at planetary scale, it would be best to have at least 140k plots committed.

Portals will have to be at the edge of the spawn zones because if you try and put them at the center you’ld need a plot and then a ring with 2x the radius and meteors would spawn in a ring around it - making it not much better than a platform hunt as it is.

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I love that you did the math.

I bet if you just dotted the rest of the plots around you could spend about 1/50th the amount of plots though, like make a pin cushion of plots everywhere you don’t want a meteor to spawn… Still need multiple characters to get around beacon limit then though. If that worked you’re looking at around 6.5k scattered beacons, which is more than one full account of characters can put down i think. More like 2 full accounts plus a fair chunk of a third.

Interesting how many plots a single layer is, I’m guessing this is the reason we’ll likely never see a coruscant type planet in boundless… Unless someone did one in creative.

oh! I remember visiting this when it was being built. So glad it’s still there :slight_smile:



Wow so over the last 90 minutes and a few different activities, this really got me thinking about this in a new way. Sovereigns and no worries about “buffer exploits” or any of that kind of drama. Some divide by ten and divide by ten and recalculate and I figured if you plot every ten plots on a grid you might stop an entire planet from spawning meteors with, very roughly, 3320 plots :interrobang:

Then I realized I was calculating for a 4.5km. Time for calc, the diagonal of a square, all that. Then I realized it’s the inner point since I’m counting outer points but with 8m lines. So anyways, in theory (and if I’m still not missing anything obvious):

Plotting every 12th plot gives you an 88m square on the inner line of the grid. This allow a roughly 62m maximum radius between a beaconed plot and any point on the map.

The width (3056) / (plots) 8 / rows (12) = 31.83 (32 ok) plots to cover the width.

32 x 32 = 1024 ( I feel like I’ve heard that before) plots in a grid. I’m not sure what I’m missing. Less than 1300 for an 11 x 11 grid. To entirely forbid meteor spawns on a planet. Wow this seems super do-able. I was ready to start testing but then … wait … that’s a thousand beacons.


Well you can do it in 32 rows (beacons) of 382 plots for 12224 plots. If you want to open up some holes for meteors in target areas, it will increase your beacon count a bit, but decrease plots used. In any case, it’s vastly less plots than I’d ever thought. Like, wow.

I still feel like I’m missing something, here.

your discussion reminds me of Finata 5 years ago when i was running around ultima city trying to find a place to settle, vast plotted unused area all over the city, plotted almost every part of planet,
i gave up after i think 5 days of running in different directions and settled at Dzassak :smiley:

plot whole planet - why and for what? better tell me - how many years it will take to build a city like Coruscant to a single person? 20 years?


So, about 14 players with 10k spare plots could do that? It doesn’t seem so improbable, now.