The exterior of the new addition
So when can I move in?
As soon as the developers add furniture, you can move in
I am going to steal every bit of your creative property. Fair warning.
Its all a color and block test anyway for the new rentals. Its the capital of Havran 1 (test server). I am pretty sure it has over 60 rooms now. Go check it out and take away whatever ideas you can.
I feel like that was said with maniacal laughter
No if I need it to be maniacal laughter I use a gif
I love this gif. .
Stealing that
pretty fantastic build I came across today
Reclaimed Ruins on Biitula (via TNT)
meat freezer! very cool
actually had a biggish plot of land very nearby which I never did anything with so reclaimed in my recent old beacon purge…had seen @semtex hard at work but didn’t realise the extent and quality of what was going on.
Some screenshots just before I reclaimed it.
This was my first ever base located just outside of Autumn Dell. As I expanded it, using new colors, it just became a mess. So I’ve been spending the past few weeks building up my new base on Ceph Merika.
I’ll always miss this place for the sentimental value it had but my new place is a lot nicer.
@Undead does this often
i’m going to make my new home in a cave now. thanks for the inspiration!
Awesome! I was also starting to think about moving my storage in there and possibly my workshop. It’s fun walking thru them.
Working on a new section with @Ratchel now too. He plotted an area that starts in the dome that connects to it. Took us a while to find it too. Gets very confusing in those big cave systems
Very nice picture
I love those linear mosaic blocks
… they just look like aged brickwork