Post Your Screenshots!

My newest new project. A fresh Oortling has landed on an island, into the mountain we go!


I reeeeeeeaaaally like the flowers Gotta find more colors!

You can now access my place via the Biitula PS Hub! West side second floor!

Edit: If any of you Portal Seekers Guild members can add the name “Perrin’s Discount” to my portals on both Beckon and Biitula that’d be Great! S3 on Beckon and Second floor West side next to Awesomeville on Biitula. Only player I know of is @Jiivita


Did you know? Stone signs are spray-able. If you try to place alternate colored sign modules next to each they act as separate signs, but if you spray them…

@GrayFrequency Thanks for the warp, I couldn’t have asked for better timing. :four_leaf_clover: My first wild Resin!! I didn’t even grab it all I was too excited about the black goo potential. Then a meteor almost landed on my head! Check those damage numbers :scream: I’m going back later for more fighting. Look for my post if you wanna join me. Night Fuschia gleam might not exist but those sentinel crests are gorgeous! Seriously it’s almost black! I can’t wait to see it all grown up!


Wow all this for one block of gleam

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Hey np!
Congratz on the resin find :smiley:


Sunlight City and Kindred Bay shots… :slight_smile:


thanks for the tip… thats a bug that needs fixing… signs are limited to 10 wide and the spray-tinting lets you go beyond that… but the tinting isnt triggering updates in the sign-connection logic so they dont actually join up with eachother, and as soon as you add/remove another sign in that group itll crash the server as the spray-tinting introduced corrupt data for the signs. Fun.


Welllllllllllllll can it be fixed without messing up my rainbow signs? I like multicolored things :sob:
I just find all the bugs don’t I? I didnt know about the extending past 10 bit, and it didnt crash my game when i broke a four by one set of multicolored signs. Just dropped them as all their colors and wouldn’t go back together smotthly. If I had happened to try to add another sign here it would be bad?

Edit: I thought I was being cool and original! Nope found a bug :rofl::sweat_smile:

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Going to be changing to just allow multi-coloured signs in the first place since it sounds like a much better solution than “you cant spray paint signs”. Any already-created and text-assigned signs are not relevant as once the sign is locked by assigning text, it will not merge with neighbours regardless; its the case of spray-painting “not yet locked” sign modules that can cause the corruption/crash here…

This is going to need a migration which in the case of any non-locked signs already exceeding the 10 limit due to colour change/because we will not allow different colours to merge, will have to delete some unlocked sign modules to keep the data valid.


This is why I love you guys!


A watery oasis update! Come and have a look 20191004120231_1|690x388



This gives new meaning to overkill lol. I absolutely love it and approve!

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It’s not a structured garden , I wanted more of a place where you would take your shoes off and relax,if we had shoes or pants lol

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It’s a rampant biological infestation but I do like “Overkill” and I approve your approval lol :slight_smile:

It needs more colours!

Absolutely love it :heart_eyes:

Love the glass update


Finished my totem :blush:
Made from polymer clay and painted


Now how about wayfarer totem?) And i want to see some little spitters :3

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I may give something else a go soon :blush: