Post your Spooky Orb Farm Spots here

added a portal to a second big spot and a 100% atlas shop stand, because there are some more big spots with 500-1000 orbs on it


No secrets…lol

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Paka’s two “Bean Farm” tokens, on planet Fiona, are up in the trees and I haven’t seen any monsters in a while, so as long as you’ve got a grapple and the protections they are a good spot to go.

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why should we have ? we have 2 weeks to collect orbs, if i get 2-3 times in this time this 2 fields i have more as i need :joy:

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Thanks!! :smiley: Happy if they can help! :slight_smile:

I forgot to mention some of the planets I have tokens up to right now are on the latest “axe” list I put in, just in case they disappear (but still a bunch staying up)… lol, what happens I wonder if the planet gets prematurely deleted while someone is still on it? :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (If you get insta-killed this way, screenshot, I’ll both laugh and give you some nice stuff to make up for your trouble!! :wink: )

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I’m not sure, but it looks like it used to cause some kind of issue

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Sighhh. Zeta stole my internet. No spooky for meeeee.


Do we know… can I use my farm all year round if I have seeds?

Need me to set some orbs aside for you? :slight_smile:

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Thanks, no need. I’m sure it’ll come back someday. I’m more worried about if I’m losing time to grow stuff or if it’s all year…

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You can craft the things any time of year. The only limitation is that the orbs can only be gathered during the event.

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I did a little collecting on this one that is a scrapper but not on the list for deletion - it will be up for a bit. :slight_smile: Also, no mob issues at all on the canopies on this run, they were spawning on the ground. The mushrooms are harder to spot down there but plenty on the ground as well. Also, this planet has a good mud field, I put a token to it as “Orb Farm” on my plinths.

I gave at least half of the stuff I got from this away to some friends, still got a huge profit off just selling to a few baskets - if I sold all of it this might have been a better return on my time than my mines.


Edit: Oh, got a bunch on sale cheap at my various stores. :smiley: I make enough on the other stuff, and would like to make these accessible for those who want a lot, though obviously people might grab them up and resell… I’ll try to get them out fairly often though. Also, a shot below of the plinths at Raxxa to get tokens from - it is pretty close to the TNT portal, just turn left and go down the path a bit if you come from that way.



My power is still out (thanks Zeta!) and I’m not sure how much harvesting I’ll get to do today and I have two sovereigns with lots of fungi and rosetta nox. My t5, Espireon, has a portal at the PS Serp hub. The portal goes to island trees full of fungi! My t2, Lorem Ipsum, is reachable via PS Kada (portal says “Groddle”). Once you come through my workshop, head west to lots of mud and rosetta nox. It’s also a great place to harvest flowers for making seeds.


I’m here (Atlantis), now. Hopefully there’s been a 4hr gap. About to find out.


Is there a queuing system? :smirk:

EDIT - That field is dry as a bone, mate. I’ll try the other one. :slight_smile: :thumbsupall:

Currently at field 2 (i think) and there’s a few Rosetta Nox’s around. Is that how it’s supposed to be, or should there be swathes of the things everywhere?

This is super nice:


OK, so I might’ve disturbed the 2 fields on Atlantis suitably that it could be another 4 hours to regen, but ideally I’d like to farm.

Going to try Packa’s places. Not sure what to do with the tokens, but I’ll work it out …

in 2-3 hours next gap ^^ i was on it before 1-2 hours my daily round



Lovely, thanks, mate. :slight_smile:

I’ll see if I can buy up Packa’s stuff.

What I’ll do is then make huge amounts of the things, and (similarly) sell those for, like, 5c, or something, since I don’t need them. (but wanna try to make them for GIORGIO.

EDIT - @bucfanpaka looks like your stuff’s not listing on the Raxxa or DK available stuffs. Maybe sold out. :slight_smile:

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Thanks!! :smiley: Yep, I noticed my DK place sold out earlier and somebody probably grabbed my Raxxa ones (some at my Gyosha place and Nova Golda too). :slight_smile: Will restock soon though! :wink: I’ll be jumping back in within a half hour and I’ve got some in a chest to load up.

With the tokens, if looking to do the gathering, you’ll want to use them - hold down on the trigger/mouse button for the hand they are in - to save the location to your list. Then go to the closest planet (will either be Alcyon or Norkyna) and warp for 100c. Some have the planet you warp from in the name - if it doesn’t, it probably has a portal at Paka’s Palace, Alcyon, where you can go then warp from there.

I did about 15 min of farming a bit earlier and got around 1000 spooky orbs. :smiley: Without even exhausting the canopy area I was on, and taking the time to chop up all the trumpet roots as well. Given what I did with rentals, having a bunch with this biome, I’d actually feel bad about selling them for more (I’m making a lot off the other stuff already), rather just help out the community with them.


This is amazing knowledge to have, thanks!!

I thought I’d have to build a portal 17x17 wide and spend all my oort. :laughing:

Anyway, yes … thanks for this, I’ll try to do it.

However, in the meantime, I gave FUTURE an obscene amount of money for some orbs, and at 1800 UK time I’ll be hanging around somewhere to give out cauldrons (45), lanterns (20), and skulls (45)… oh … and OORTY THE OORTLING (45). I’ll have about 45 odd to give out.

What should I limit it to … one or two a piece? Definitely one on the cauldron, right?

Will announce in QVC #shops-and-trading shortly.

I’ll be standing at my store in DK. If you have trouble finding it, I’ll be just through portal #1 in the shortcuts … alternatively look for RAW YAMS in the knowledgebase, and I’ll set mine to 666c per yam. :ok_hand:

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Ok, JUST put out a few hundred more each at DK Mall and Sylva! :smiley:

Thinking I might zone out and do a lot of collecting this afternoon and evening… but I’ll probably limit each stock to a few hundred to give as many people as possible a chance (rather than one person get a few smart stacks, dole them out bit by bit).

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Sounds fair. :slight_smile:

I’m just sitting by my workbench … if only my character had a banjo to play!

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