Project Spire

Amazing! Looking forward to seeing it progress. We do show it to guests and people who visit us, it gets the official stamp of approval.


This is amazing!!!
I’ll totally check this out!

WoW, absolutely WoW. I mean, I just built my own somewhat bigger building (for the most part) and I am pretty proud of it, even though it needs changes/improvements, especially on the roof, but this makes me feel like I actually accomplished nothing^^ And i don’t mean that in a negative way - it is amazing so see what people can build in Oort and that makes me want to advance, too. :smiley:

Gonna change it up a bit and start back at the bottom. Just to add more little buildings.


It looks so amazing,I love what you doing.!!!

Shrine WIP:




Where on Omoson is this? I’d love to drop by…

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I’ll pm you the coords. I keep it a secret for now due to previous griefers from other worlds


Let’s have it a large beacon. Would help against most interference :wink:

it’s pretty large ^^ it covers about 400m i think. It might want to get it even larger once i’m done with the center.

Try to ask James. I think your building is worth such a great beacon :wink:


can i get the cords for the structure i wanna explore it

This is really impressive, just goes to show what is possible.

1082.56, 66.60, 1352.52
Server: Omoson

Since i’m too busy with other things. I’m no longer keeping this place a secret. I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish this project anytime soon, or ever :frowning: . Especially since the current grappling hook makes building this giant structure much more time consuming than before.


Yesssss! I’ll be visiting it in a video.


I just visited, very beautiful, it’s a shame but maybe one day it can be completed.

Maybe you would be down for letting some of the Kovah build crew try and finish what you started after (if ever) we finish the city?


That’d be great. the end result may not look like what I originally planned, but it’s always good (especially inspiring) to see what you guys will make of it :smiley: .

If you wish to keep on building up the spire, then you can follow the pattern of the last cube to fill the inner structures. Around cube levels 5-6 is where the pattern becomes clear.


So this is the city shown in the trailer? :slight_smile:
Always wondered who built it and where it is. Great work! Definetly worth to show.
Since it’s also shown in the trailer, I think it will inspire people and give them kind of “main style” I guess.