
I drop the numbers such as in Antar VI it would just be Antar, Tana VII is just Tana, Angel 1 is Just Angel.

Also curious why the “we eye” instead of “ve eye” or “ve 1” saying the number 1


Probably because I am a Finnish and only speak Engrish. More likely tho cause in Finnish V and W is pronounced the same, but W is actually called “Tupla V”, in English it would be “Double V”.


Heres how I pro ounce them:
Sheh-due tier
Delta can-creet
A-reh-sho (eresho)
Gellis (jealous)
And McRib
There are others ofc but I don’t remember
Them off the top of my head.

Edit: circa to me is: cir-káhpor-ous
Edut 2: Try-or that pronunciación just makes sense to me when reading it.

Spent quite a bit of time on Gellis with my first post-release base so given this some thought. I’m probably one of the few who will pronounce Gellis, like Garlic or Gallic. Gellis just sounds Scottish to me. @fidach, got some feedback? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, pronounce my homeworld as: Kol Who-Roo (Kol Huroo). Kol Whoo-r-Anne (Kol Huran) for adjective form.

A lot of other ones I pronounce the same way as others have said on this topic though.

Gellis with a G as in GIF, gorgeous, or garage.

Minorengle = Minnow
Grovidias Te = Grove-ee-das Tay
Imdaari = M-dari
Alnitans = All-ni-tans
Alcyon = Al-sci-on
Norkyna = Norki
Lasaina = Lasagna
Lutrion = Loo-try-on
Boori = Bore-ee
Galan = Ga-lawn
Malurialakrib = Mal-ooria-la-crib / Mal-oo
Alder = All-dur
Gellis = Gail-iss
Raxxa = Rox-a
Sorissi = Sore-is-see
Trior = Try-ore
Biitula = Bit-you-la
Cephonex Merika = Seph-onix Muri-ka
Gyosha Ophin = Guy-ohsa O-fin
Shedu Tier = Sha-doo Teer
Arie = Are-ee
Dzassak = Dzock
Sochaltin = Sock-all-tin
Eresho = Uhr-esh-oh
Finata = Fin-ah-tah
Xa Frant = Za Frant
Kol Huroo = Cole Hoo-roo


East coast Southern English here too :joy:

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Here are my versions;

  1. Minorengle - Minor Angle
  2. Grovidias te - Groove ass the
  3. Imdaari - Im dare ya
  4. Alnitans - All titans
  5. Alcyon - All cryon
  6. Lasaina - Lasagna
  7. Lutrion - Luk - ion
  8. Boori - Booring
  9. Malurialacrib - Malaria ala crib - Malaria for short.
  10. Alder - all die
  11. Gellis - Geys (no offence)
  12. Rox-za
  13. Sorissi - Sorry issi
  14. Trior - try or …
  15. Biitula - Bit uwaaa
  16. Cephonex merika - Cellphone america
  17. Shedu tier - shadow tier
  18. Arie - oh yeah
  19. Dzassak - Dresiak (polish word)
  20. erection ( no offence)
  21. Finata - final taaaa
  22. xa frant - za franca (again polish)
  23. Kol huroo - Call Hugo
  24. Serpensarindi - Serpent sardine
  25. Delta cancret - Delta cancer
  26. Lamblis - Lambada (song)
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Gina, … Lol, circapuss i now Forever stuck in my brain

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Sounds a bit like the Scots word ‘gallus’, that’s what I think when I hear it.

Used to describe a bold act (or person), but usually a bit cheeky or arrogant as well.

Can be used as a positive or negative depending on context!

Scoring at the fitba wae a backheel would be described as pure gallus as ■■■■, by the way.

Lewis Hamilton could be described as a bit of a gallus ■■■■.

(Swearing added for authenticity)

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I randomly came across some Star Wars lore and noticed that the name circapous refers to a system of 14 planets including circapous 1. Was wondering if anyone else has found any connections between the planet names and other works. Maybe the devs are naming the planets As an homage to their favorite fictional planets. :thinking:

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What I have been thinking about these close SW names
Tana = Endor
Alder = Alderaan
Sale (exo) = Saleucami

I don’t do voice channel because I find it very distracting for gameplay and either talk too loud or not loud enough. I also just don’t say much and prefer typing.

But I do have a way I remember or think of planets by name.

Malurialakrib - McRib (because I like to) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Shedu Tier - Shādow Tier.

Delta Cancret - Delta Concrete

Alnitans- glad to read I’m not the only one that thinks Atlantis :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Circarpous - Cirp and sometimes Circus

Serpensarindi - Serp

Galan - Gālan (I think that I might actually be saying it correctly :crossed_fingers:) ?

Cephonex Merika - CM

Besevrona - Bez

Dzassak -DZ

Sorissi -Sorrosi I don’t have a clue why I incorrectly say and misspell this pretty planet so much. Bad habit I guess

Raxxa - Răxxa (saying it right :crossed_fingers:?)

“Yer a wizard, Arie.”