Prop Ideas

Great idea !!! +9000 likes. Even over 9000!!!

Ideas like this is what’s needed. You could find so many uses for this. Windmills/shipsail/outdoor-garden-lounge-area-roof. Sunroofs in markets etc.

(Reply to bokke’s post, cant see where it says this is a reply so I thought I’d point that out)

As for season items… I sort agree to both that it has no place in a game and also to that it’s fun. However one thing is for sure, and that is, if I see christmas-trees and eastereggs in a game that feels incomplete in areas such as farming and animal breeding or mechanincal blocks and solid gameplay, then I’d be really dissapointed and feel that valuable designingtime has been wasted.


I’ll agree that alternate prop skins should come after the rest of the game is finished. More general items should be made asap, then as a stretch goal we can add varieties of existing props.


Thank you. This is very encouraging!
Actually, I think this idea is part of what could individualize the game concept of Oort to a certain extend.
I’d love to have it as soon as possible, but I must admit, first I need to figure out many crafting recipies and different tools for my own sake as a person who plays Oort. There are quite a few ingame-elements I haven’t really touched so far.

@Havok40k - Do you think it would be helpful to arrange a thread for game rules? In a way, things like “raids”, “capture the flag”, “running races”, “collect as much gleam of a certain color as possible” ? Such stuff?

Helpful to who? If you want to set up a group to do those things on your own and keep your own score and time, go for it. Otherwise no, ultimately I don’t think it would be helpful to the devs. I doubt there are plans to officially host such game modes on official servers, and as such no reason for a thread on it.

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Helpful to the devs as well as towards players who are not only into building and collecting ressources.
Those were possibly game modes which are not exeptionally well suited to Oort. At least partially.
My intention is not to polarize or split up the community in fractions. Multiplayer building and arranging long term building projects certainly is motivating. Nevertheless I’m not so sure what the score of Oort is.

What do you mean “the score of Oort”? Like the incentive to play?

As @Havok40k said, players can form together to create mini-game worlds if they want to, I’m sure. And I don’t think anyone would think this is splitting the community up into fractions (or factions) since that’s a playstyle on it’s own (as we know from minecraft). But devs are very very very likely to NOT moderate or create these minigame worlds.

I also think long-term buildings and other such projects can also be coordinated on different threads on these forums or via the forums of individual player groups and guilds, but I don’t think they can be “scored”? If there somehow is a score being kept (based on how much a certain color of gleam one has collected, as you’ve suggested), then that would be on players to keep track of, like @Havok40k said, not on the devs.


Excuse me for my Entish long answering time.
Yes incentive might be a better or a different word for motivation.
I did not understand the term score. For me it seems to relate to different things. I can relate to Highscore in computer games or pinball machines.
While I’m typing this I seem to get the picture.
I try to provide good ideas. It’s bit of a strenght I have. Though I guess most of it gets shredded.

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Fences and poles (stackable)
Usable chairs
Small tables

  • 1 block, bigger than that can be built


  • not just for flowers, large pots or barrels… that we can smash for no

Small Pillar

  • rounded & chiseled, maybe not reasonable but I want it

String of lights

  • Haven’t really seen this before, but in my head - one block would be a sideways pole/string with one or two little lights on it. Ideally the lights on each string/block could be the same color as the gleam it was crafted with, allowing us to place multiple colors in a row beside each other. BOOM - instant xmas.

I think the string of lights would be neat.

Generally I’d like to add

  • ropes

Chains. trellises.

Note Plates, kinda like note blocks in minecraft, as a way to play music.

Hmm… in the interest of innovation over imitation, I’d favor a more intuitive approach to writing and playing back notes in OO. For simplicity, let us write our own music discs in game that we can then plug into a jukebox (or OO equivalent). That way, complex or simple tunes can be achieved without taking up massive amounts of space or data.

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we are talking about props here, i would love an archeage style music, but for now i would just like something to derp around with.

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Tinkeling Oort Shards. Or gleam. A small gleam structure could have a less dense tinkle sound than a more complex one. And combined with different colors it could have different tinkel vibes.

Still I’d love to have humming gold blocks : /

A larger plant or flower which only opens at night. And when it opens, it reveals a small shining ball of light. Comparable to a pearl in a mussel. One could collect this tiny ball and use it for crafting, together with a rope -> christmas lights string.

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I’d like to have some kind of building topping thing…
This thing

Something like this or a animal or person you can put on top of guilds/buildings to give it a powerful feel when you see it.


What a cool photo! Would you like to tell me where this is?

btw. I’m absolutely in favor of the pillar idea…if one could craft a round pillar element and stack it up into a higher one it would be excellent for decorating builds. although i’m absolutely not sure if it would tear the graphic style of oort apart.

another suggestion would be

  • curtains

although i’d prefer window shutters. this idea was mentioned before and it would be a cool element.

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I want a piece of cheese. and a doughnut. but mostly a piece of cheese.

I would actually greatly enjoy it if anything you could hold in your hand, you could put on the table. it’s realistic, and unlike minecraft you already have 3d models for all the items you can hold.

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I Agree with this, we need Mo’pig placeable guardian statues, kinda like lion statues


A working mailbox could be pretty handy in this huge connected world.
It could work just like any other Mailbox in an MMO (with some Oortshards as fee depending on how fast you want the mail delivered).