PS4 forge testing suggestion (and a question)

I’ve commented before that the fact that PC users can freely try out things on the forge in testing, gives a significant advantage in that area.

I’m sure if I could create tools and forging mats instantly for free and try out different things on the forge there is lots I could discover (and share) that I don’t already know.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful to those that do share their insights, but I like to try this and work things out on my own too.

To that end, a temporary partial solution could be to guarantee return of all forging mats until parity between PC and PS4 can be achieved.

There would still be a disadvantage to PS4, as we would have to actually craft or buy the forging mats, but at least we could experiment without the potential loss.

Once both platforms are equal in this area, it should be returned to as it is now.

To this end, is there anyway to influence quirks, in the way we can influence boons?


Coming from a ps4 player, this is something that will never be equal until sony relaxes a bit on their limitations. I’m sure the devs would love to have players test ps4 but they just can’t.

From an economic standpoint, returning all forging mats would basically be no risk when forging. Forge mat prices go down, the amount of perfect hammers increase and forged hammer prices go down

Decon resin 3 is our only hope, 75% of mats back isnt too bad

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Or a practice forge is added, not testing, nothing available that isn’t already in live, so Sony can’t claim it as a testing mode.

A feature of the full game is a practice forge in a separate area (sanctum for example), that all live mats and tools are available to try out, but nothing can be removed from the practice area.

I think that would satisfy all requirements?


I’d be for that, i think it would need to be a new machine introduced for that purpose though.

I like this idea that live servers would have practice forge :slight_smile:

Personally I think learning forge on test server is not biggest disadvantage when comparing PS4 and PC versions. It is more that PC players can access debug menu live to check coordinates, chunk locations, mesh counts, block colors and plot view with floating windows while playing. All this kind of advanced information that would make building easier after game itself is familiar.

Hopefully someday these items are coming available format that is ok to Sony.

Or a “creative mode” like lots of other sandbox games. Maybe not even a sever, a static area local to our PS4 hard drive. Doesn’t even have to be an entire planet. Would be really fun.

we had that sanctom editor for a while. maybe let people use cheats only in sanctom? Then people can forge away in sanctom and their inventory will be reset to live if they walk through the portal (which it already does today).

Sanctum editor was PC only :wink:

But maybe the devs could give us some formulas on how the boons etc are selected, and the rng method so someone could create a simulator? Or plug those in to a neural network and get the best forge method in a few days :smiley:

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oh rip sorry :frowning: but still maybe they could add something like that for everyone I dunno

I think they said they have a GUI coming for that some day :slight_smile:

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