Ps4 Hide HUD, screenshot mode

Can ps4 users be allowed to hide the HUD/UI so that we can take screenshots? I’m very suprised this isn’t implemented. If it is, i would thank any that could explain where it is.

Could we also get a camera/free view mode? If I spend a lot of time on a build I would love to be able to get some good photos of it. Some views can only be appreciated if you get up high. The grapple is inadequate for viewing, as you would have to be close to the object, or the grapple line puts a bright line in your view.

If you have a keyboard hooked up you can press the same key that the PC players would press to hide the HUD. I do not remember the key though.

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I believe it’s F10, unless I changed it to that for some reason?

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Thanks guys, I never realized you could do that! Much appreciated.

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It is F10 on the keyboard when hooked into the ps4. I use it quite frequently.