Ps4, toggle crouch?

Is there a way to toggle crouch to stay on for PS4? Because I can’t realistically hold O for hours while I play.

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I don’t see one

We need one then!

Crouch? … I’ve been playing Boundless for over a year, I had no idea there was crouch!

He means creep

Oh I see … why would anyone need to creep for hours?

Well there’s a journal entry for it. And he may be building up high and falling alot if he’s not holding down creep button. Mine craft had a toggle feature . I wouldn’t mind having this added as well


What does creep do? It doesn’t seem to keep you from falling off blocks like Minecraft

It decreases your threat radius so you can sneak by aggressive creatures. If you want to collect surface resources on anything above a level 3 planet without speccing totally into combat, it is very useful.

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Well, that’s good to know

It does prevent you falling off blocks but I think only with a right angled edge - a sloped or similarly not full edge will sometimes let you walk right off.

Had no idea it decreased threat, thank you!

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Huh, then I agree with dude, it should be a toggle.

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