Pure Chaos

I’m pretty sure it was @boundmore who I saw first mention selecting every biome when configuring a sovereign world, and I wanted to try that myself ever since.

I finally did it and rolled a T6 with every single biome choice selected. The result is pretty chaotic, hence the name of the planet: Pure Chaos :wink:

If you want to explore it yourself, you can find a portal in the dragon hub on Kol Huroo, right next to feather falls:

I don’t think it’s anything special when it comes to resources, unless you really really need tech remnants:

Feel free to do whatever on it for the time being, but be aware that it won’t stick around :wink:


PS: I also apparently got one new colour: Gladeflower in Dark Cerulean

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In case you were wondering:


Gladeflower - Dark Cerulean - Gladeflower Dark Cerulean(4)
Cloneflower - Dark Lilac - Cloneflower Dark Lilac(8)
Spineflower - Dark Turquoise - Spineflower Dark Turquoise(47)
Ghostflower - Strong Magenta - Ghostflower Strong Magenta(10)


Exotic Foliage - Dark Green - Exotic Foliage Dark Green(38)
Lush Foliage - Silk Mint - Lush Foliage Silk Mint(53)
Waxy Foliage - Strong Green - Waxy Foliage Strong Green(37)


Mottled Tar Spot Fungus - Strong Cherry - Mottled Tar Spot Fungus Strong Cherry(12)
Clustered Tongue Fungus - Hot Tan - Clustered Tongue Fungus Hot Tan(32)
Branch Funnel Fungus - Silk Orange - Branch Funnel Fungus Silk Orange(28)
Weeping Waxcap Fungus - Light Orange - Weeping Waxcap Fungus Light Orange(100)
Glow Cap Fungus - Luminous Blue - Glow Cap Fungus Luminous Blue(176)
Tinted-Burst Fungus - Shadow Orange - Tinted-Burst Fungus Shadow Orange(21)


Gleam - Cool Azure - Gleam Cool Azure(229)


Barbed Grass - Shadow Fuchsia - Barbed Grass Shadow Fuchsia(17)
Gnarled Grass - Shadow Fuchsia - Gnarled Grass Shadow Fuchsia(17)
Verdant Grass - Shadow Fuchsia - Verdant Grass Shadow Fuchsia(17)


Ash - Shadow Red - Ash Shadow Red(22)
Growth - Strong Azure - Growth Strong Azure(239)
Ice - Cold Slate - Ice Cold Slate(178)
Glacier - Strong Cerulean - Glacier Strong Cerulean(238)
Mould - Night Orange - Mould Night Orange(20)
Mud - Shadow Red - Mud Shadow Red(22)
Sponge - Dark Cerulean - Sponge Dark Cerulean(4)
Tangle - Night Azure - Tangle Night Azure(2)
Thorns - Black - Thorns Black(1)


Trumpet Root - Strong Green - Trumpet Root Strong Green(37)
Traveller's Perch - Silk Cherry - Traveller’S Perch Silk Cherry(26)
Twisted Aloba - Strong Red - Twisted Aloba Strong Red(23)
Spineback Plant - Shadow Cerulean - Spineback Plant Shadow Cerulean(3)
Oortian's Staff - Stale Cerulean - Oortian’S Staff Stale Cerulean(232)
Rosetta Nox - Light Berry - Rosetta Nox Light Berry(166)
Stardrop Plant - Cool Blue - Stardrop Plant Cool Blue(160)
Desert Sword - Vivid Fuchsia - Desert Sword Vivid Fuchsia(167)


Igneous Rock - Dark Grey - Igneous Rock Dark Grey(48)
Metamorphic Rock - Black - Metamorphic Rock Black(1)
Sedimentary Rock - Dark Cerulean - Sedimentary Rock Dark Cerulean(4)


Gravel - Oxide Azure - Gravel Oxide Azure(49)
Sand - Warm Mustard - Sand Warm Mustard(83)
Clay Soil - Shadow Red - Clay Soil Shadow Red(22)
Peaty Soil - Night Orange - Peaty Soil Night Orange(20)
Silty Soil - Shadow Red - Silty Soil Shadow Red(22)


Ancient Wood Trunk - Shadow Mustard - Ancient Wood Trunk Shadow Mustard(43)
Lustrous Wood Trunk - Black - Lustrous Wood Trunk Black(1)
Twisted Wood Trunk - Warm Mustard - Twisted Wood Trunk Warm Mustard(83)


Interesting you got the same three grass colors. Unless you set color already.

NVM I see they are set :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I set them for looks already :smiley: I did get a lot of night orange out of the box though :laughing:

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never got to making a video about it
but yes
it makes pretty chaotic environment
and also, at least on a small world, it doesn’t manage to spawn every biome - a lot was missing on my world; there is just not enough space for all different biomes
I noticed a couple of biomes being pushed underwater too…


I was waiting for that video :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Underwater you say? Well don’t I look silly now choosing a lava planet :laughing:


When I was exploring it I was thinking,

Just replace “snakes” with “lava”.




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I hesitated selecting it at fist, but then thought it would add nicely to the chaos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smile: