PvP Question (and something else)

The problem with this is that it’s pretty random. I’d expect it to have more bad outcomes than good ones.
For example you build your house in a safe zone and want to expand it but you notice that there isn’t enough safe place left. Which would be especially annoying for cities.
Ok, you could make it so beacons are automatically safe zones (which they most likely will be anyway) but the randomness still stands and could be very annoying.

I still think that it would be the best to have increasing threat levels around beacons. Like safe in a beacon, and after a certain radius (0 included) you’d have the pvp area and the farther you go out the bigger the difference in lvl or whatever we’ll have can be between 2 people to attack each other. This would make it far more predictable for players and less frustrating.
Or just have the pvp worlds.

Seems like a simple, yet effective solution for those issues.
At least in my opinion.



But again making a warning for when just passing into an area is hard without using plain text or gui.

You could make make a GUI surrounding eg. if you are not in PvP the screen appears normal and if you enter PvP your screen begins to blink red on the corners (like to blood flows in the head) and if you are in PvP the corners and edges of your screen are completely red and your skills / inventory does not disappear like it does at the moment.