Q&A: Character Progression

The proposed system doesn´t necessarily mean that you have to be in a party all the time. Just that you´ll occasionally need to visit a town/shop to supply yourself with stuff from the professions you havn´t picked.


Which is an artificial wall.
On the other hand. A system where it just gets increasingly harder to obtain additional profession skills (however you want to call what we’ll get from those profession trees) has the same effect for the majority of people but isn’t artificial.

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Well, trading with others for what you might need or want is fine, the economy is based on supply and demand which is fed by the resource differential of various areas. In Minecraft, self sufficiency is very easy in any biome with trees. But, if you want something not available, like quartz, then you ether need to take the time to leave your bubble and mine it yourself in the nether or buy it from players.

Those are natural barriers, how much time will you spend? The time barrier is the most natural barrier of all. If you are willing to spend however many hours it takes to travel and collect, then sure you can be self sufficient.

Remember there is a difference between surviving and thriving, one cannot build a civilization alone. Also, one may wish to order bulk amounts of things one could collect themselves but do not want to spend the time collecting.


That is true in Minecraft but not in Boundless. If I do not take the crafting skill tree, I will not be able to craft the end-level things (Diamond Armor, for example). If you want high-end things, you’ll need to trade and work with others (in Boundless).

IF they implement the skilltrees with the 3 tree cap.
Don’t speak of it as if it’s already decided.

Not to mention that either system would have the effect that it’s at least practically impossible to be self sufficient if not completely.

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If we can’t speak to anything as if it’s decided there’s not going to be much to talk about until 1.0 ;P. That argument could be used in nearly every conversation we have hahahaha.

Let’s use what they’ve given us and go from there. In doing so, we can expose the strengths and weaknesses of the dev’s thoughts so far, which can only help as development progresses. Treating the information they give us as though it’s some sort of hush hush topic we can’t take anything away from isn’t going to help them see any downstream effects or let them know how we’re interpreting their concepts. Blocks feedback, which is not great.

There is a difference in mentioning that it’s what’s the momentarily plan of the devs and speaking of it as if you couldn’t change it.
Because the latter is what blocks feedback and is not great.
Mentioning that it’s not final and not talking about it as if it were doesn’t hinder you in going off of what they’ve given us so far.

Putting in a cap limits player development though. So called ‘class limitations’, that is, artificial blocks to you ‘welding a sword’ or wearing certain items never appealed to me. That may be because I grew up with Elderscrolls, where you can do whatever you want , regardless of how effective it might be. If you are a Wizard, sure you can wield a sword , but you won’t be as effective as someone who has trained their blade skill, but you are not blocked from holding the sword by the artificial class wall.

Open world and freedom of development , look to Morrowind , Oblivion , Skyrim and perhaps Runescape for skill examples. (Morrowind still number one over any others, including Dagger fall and Arena)


Kuro, it’s early access still. Literally everything is subject to change. There’s an implicit disclaimer on everything.

Then you shouldn’t talk about it as if it were final. Simple as that.

@TrueGormagon, I love all of those games and I’m also a big fan of freedom and self-sufficiency. However, the devs here stress that Boundless will be driven by social interactions. That’s the kind of game they’re designing.

I’m not saying discussions to the contrary are worthless. I’m not saying you shouldn’t keep posting. All I’m doing is trying to offer what the devs are thinking as of now in order to shape the discussion a bit. Do with it what you will :blush:

I agree that people should be able to do basic things in the game without ever needing a point in a skill( you don’t have a point in cooking, you are unable to cook your eggs gg). I enjoy the thought of unlocking high tier items by working on the skill and get rewarded each time I rank up. Its great that we are limited to pick 3 professions so we can specialize in an area that another person can’t do because of the lack of points into the profession, it will make character builds hell a lot interesting. Also subcategory of a profession is also a great feature to have also.

Why no farming or herding animals profession. I would like gather berries from my garden and receive fresh sci fi eggs from my SciFi chicken to make berry jam and scfi omelettes . please :smiley:


The devs have said that farming is probably only something they are going to get into post 1.0.

They are going to focus on a lot of other things first anyway.


Though I’m not a farmer, that saddens me. I love having expansive and lively farmlands on the outskirts of my cities. It shows the prosperity and cooperation among dedicated players in successful trade hubs. At least, that’s how my old MC server was… I miss it :disappointed_relieved:


If there are more professions later in the game will the profession cap can go up to 4 if 12 professions are available. Thanks for the fast response!

Yeah I will miss that too, but I am sure I will enjoy an intricant and worked through farming system more than a halfassed one.


I wholly agree, and mc was very half-assed. It took many add-ons and config changes to get a farming system that worked well with a servers social economy. Vanilla mc farming is not a good model to base boundless farming on, at least not closely.

That’s a good question. The best answer I can give is in itself a question. Why should it? Why should the cap on learnable professions go up? Would that be beneficial to social gameplay, or detrimental? I don’t know for sure, but I think it would not help.

I have not had a decent Internet connection for a while but I am back now, at least for a week or two.

But what if a player gets board with being a farmer and decides to try his hand a metalworking? Does he abandon that character? I remember doing that all the time on class specific games. ‘Ok im tired of casting magic missile I want to wield an Axe now.’ Character hops

Yes he can start putting points into another tree or what have you but what about when he hits his limit?

I would well prefer being able to spend the time on one account well known to everyone in the community to achieve things. What about an achievement based or xp based or even a hybrid system of unlocking new skill points for the tree that allow you to utilize more skill points? So after you reach a higher level in the ‘farming’ tree you earn the option to unlock another tree? Perhaps with a portion of experience points or community achievements, allowing you to be open with your character well not leaving the door wide open and accessible too easily.