Q&A: Guilds

I really like that idea but I think it would work better if additional plots would be rented, not bought. That way the devs would not have to introduce a ‘hard cap’ for beacon plots while also guaranteeing a fair share of plots between active and big guilds.

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so players do not have to donate their own?

I would still be a big fan of the idea to have an certain amount of beacon per member. So more members, more occupyable space…

Great thing. do you think of competing in a way of eve online? There have been news of a big war between the biggest guilds with a fight where more then 10.000 players were involved. But their size was not just defined by members, also by economical strength.

That is (indirect) part of my question … but it’s unanswered yet.

I’m pretty sure a player will only start with 1 plot and will have to earn more through progression. Same as with creating a guild, you’ll need to get a certain amount of progression under your belt before you can create the guild control. (I’ll add a link later to the crafting diagram leaked earlier where it shows the guild control).

I quite like the idea of having to donate plots to your guild though. That way a guild can only grow as big as its collective members, and not just by the achievements of a few of the more active ones. My personal preference, however, would be that a newly created guild is allocated maybe 4-8 plots (or even just one ‘big one’ 2x2x2) that can be used to build a guild hall in… A central hub to then build around.


I am pretty sure a player will start with a bit more though, 8x8x8 is far too small for building anything really.


Sure, it’s small for building, but when you’re just getting started, it’s enough for a noob-shack and containers while you’re out gathering more supplies and starting progression. More beacons may be acquired as you progress. At least, that’s how I see progression beginning.


Noob shacks are ugly though, 4 beacons would provide enough space to create a reasonable housing for those intereted.

In a game where most of all the buildings encountered are player build, making it possible to create good looking housing from the start would seriously help the immersion of the game.


I have no finger in this pie because I will probably only have a noob shack. But since the game is being aimed towards player interactions, it seems like you could just build near your friends in the beginning, plot down 4 beacons next to each other (yours plus theirs) and trade friend tokens to everyone and, ta-da, 4 plots before any progression has happened. Yes, it would be cramped. But it would provide reasonable housing for those interested.


True that.
And I really hope they revise the whole beacon system anyway. So some of the concerns we have now won’t even apply in the future.

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That would still result in the loners or people who have just not found a guild yet is going to build noob shacks and they are really not the most pleasent thing to look at.

I’m not a builder and I’ve only placed one beacon just to have had the experience of placing one. Is it really a diameter of 8? For some reason I thought it was a radius of 8. Diameter of 8 definitely seems too small. 16x16x16 seems reasonable though. Didn’t someone have a building contest where the build had to fit within 16x16x16? People came up with some cool things.

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I can see your point of view on this and the builder in me agrees with you. The progression gamer in me disagrees though…

If you start the game with a big enough plot allocation to make reasonable housing… that’s all it will be for the most part… reasonable. You hardly have to struggle for anything.

If you start with 1 plot, you have to economise your space - struggle even - that for me is a big part of making a game rewarding. You should start with next to nothing - I wasn’t born with a big plot of land, but I have the potential to earn it as I grow and learn. That’s how this should be.

From there you either grow your home as your learning (progression) grows, or you uproot and rebuild in another location using more of your beacon allocations. If you don’t take your ‘ugly’ noob shack with you, no worries, it won’t be there forever as regeneration will take over and erode it back to nothing.

In reality though, you’re going to get plenty of ugly builds - as not everyone is a builder. You’re going to get those players that build ugly monuments and holes and noob shacks, it’s inevitable. To think otherwise is a little idealistic IMO.


The good news is we might even see fewer noob shacks than in a comparable game since they cost a beacon. Either people will add beacon plots to the location of their starting plot and build more if they need to or they’ll remove their beacon and the shack will deteriorate naturally.


Smartly avoiding to say minecraft :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah thouse are good points.


Yes the current beacon plots are that small, the idea in the building contest was to make small and easily replicable building for cities or populated areas, the reserved dimension that the building had to fit didn’t really have to do with beacons and the size of them.