QOL Suggestion - Hold still on grapple

I spend allot of time trying to build with grapples rather than build a scaffolding that gets in the way for me as I don’t plan my builds so much as build on the fly. But trying to chisel pieces using the grapple gets pretty annoying, as you move about so much when looking around.

My suggestion, when grappling pressing shift (or some other button) holds you in your current position, allowing you to look around freely. This could be put to a new skill if needed, as this would probably only be wanted by some players, and would lead to less confusion from players thinking there grapple breaks when they press shift.

10 char


Pretty confident you hit the 10 character minimum here my dude, unless that bit’s part of a higher protest or something! :exploding_head:


Preferably not make the key shift since I always hold shift for some reason :joy:

10 char


They need to allow for flying when you are your own beacon. Just like you can fly in creative mode.

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Yeah but where does that end? Endlessly vertically above/below claimed plots -or- only within each claimed 8x8x8? Sounds like that could get nastily complicated very quickly on live.

And thats why you all get nothing… if you give a mouse a cookie, they are going to ask for flying on beacons on live…

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