Quest board

So i built something extra while im working on the sorissi Market here you can do certain Quests for a reward at you private bank you can either save it and do more Quest untill you got a nice amount of cash in the bank or deposit directly thats you choice I thought this would be a fun idea, if you ever played Death stranding it is a similar thing pick a quest run and get the item and back in this case maybe mine something a player looking for, the reward will be higher than the market value otherwise there is no point of having this quest when you just can run and sell it to the baskets


Cool idea.

I think there was a talk long ago about official contract system for players. Or was it just a suggestion? But I thought back then it would be cool to have a special station, similar to the letter box maybe, where players could pick up tasks and then get coin or whatever other reward upon completing.


Yeah i built a delivery box beside the mail and then i built storage block with basket above them in the bank to reward with coin and sometimes items depends on the quest to players so they feel it was a rewarding quest


That’s a really good idea.


This is cool. It’s a bit of a chore to manage in boundless (when it gets busy) but also, if that’s your game, a load of fun.

Lots of this. Also I occasionally bring up the notion of a “barter basket” though I don’t remember where it started.

It would take almost nothing in terms of in-world development because a buying basket is basically the thing. But if they could make one that allowed you to specify a price in something besides coin that would be AWESOME. A basket where you could put a hammer and set the price to something like “35 large fossils” or “6 rough oort” or whatever. Whatever we can already trade in baskets.

This wouldn’t solve all of the ‘questing’ type scenarios. I think they might have to change the nature of the tokens to make it recognize one as unique for things like finding a token somewhere. But it would allow for more interesting economic interplay overall in a big way.

More complex structures like a contract system that allows someone to specify a time frame or more than one object to be found/delivered would be amazing. I think people have been asking for one variation or another almost since I started.


i think barter basket was my idea years ago to allow players to trade items for items :slight_smile:


It’s a good idea :wink: