Questing Knight Streaming | New (Epic hunt on Hunting servers)

Building Castle Elyria E10 Now !

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Building Castle Elyria E11 Now !

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Now streaming! Building Elyria E12

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Boundless Release 11 Sep | Building Elyria E13

join me and chatt about the Release of boundless!

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Im streaming on the testing update


While we wait for the pre-release here is a 4-hour long video form the hunting servers with the first public test with the new universe system. Hope you guys like it! and are just as hyped as I am for the new universe.

I have marked up some cool things in the video timeline below

0:00:00 Intro

Guided by the devs

0:01:20 White and black
0:21:00 Blue and Red planet
0:39:00 Black water
0:58:00 Yellow planet
1:16:00 cool portal and planet view
1:17:00 Pink planet
1:23:00 Meteor group shoot
1:52:00 Group shoot portal run

Exploring on our own

2:12:00 Cool spike mountains
2:22:00 missed the portal
2:23:00 Pink and purple with spikes
2:29:00 Boring planet
2:45:00 orange green planet
2:51:00 Pink palm-tree
2:50:00 looking on the sky
2:53:00 Gray and green
2:55:00 Big crater orange gleam
3:02:00 Yellow crazy planet
3:05:30 insane cave
3:08:00 time to swim


man you should be swimming in likes you one off the greats off boundless
so heres ya go


hehe i ment on youtube XD

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