Question about oort amalgam

And that’s the total purpose of the amalgam. You don’t have to deal with the refueling as often. That’s why people wanted it. To not deal with portals as much. Now they can choose to pay a bit more in oort cost or they can choose to pay the same they have been doing with constant management.

It’s a good item for those using it the way it was designed for. For the every day player it’s probably not the best fuel, sure.

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Where are you getting this from? It’s not the efficiency cost.

I think if they got rid of the Ichor requirement then people would be using it. That’s just my personal opinion on it. The ichor is really what’s holding it back.

I’d gladly take a time loss per Oort Shard used in the crafting recipe if I could create a larger smart stack that overall is going to generate more portal time. I wouldn’t mind replacing the Ichor requirement for the elemental fusion or the element shards either. Those seem like better uses for the Amalgam fuel than Ichor.


And for the game’s sake, the ichor doesnt have to lose its purpose. It can be used in a brew that gives you some super power.


we wanted bigger fuel slots so big portals match the timer off the small ones not some crazy unonbtainium
if we have collected a milion oortstone why cant we just stick it in whatever we want at once getting it is the shore why adding this oort fine system that just hurts the forgetful people


Some efficiency numbers here. You lose about 1/6th (16.66%) of the shards you put in if my math checks out.


Yea I get it. Some consider it a pain to gather. What I don’t get though is people wanting higher end content, and while a cheap way of doing it, this gave some higher content for people to focus on if they wanted to.

Maybe what needs to be done is the loot table on exos just bumped up in general? Then there would be more oort/ichor/ rare sentinel crests/etc?

It’s give more reason to those high content things and more access to items with perceived rarity?

Dunno. Seems like it could be a good idea.

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My math says 9.4%.

Will check again.
(Both answers aren’t 40%.)

18x OortStone mass crafts 250 Shards.
24x OortStone mass crafts 100 Amalgam ~ 300 Shards of Portal duration.

Oortstone to Shard duration ratios are:
18 : 250 = 1 : 13.8
24 : 300 = 1 : 12.5

Lost duration per Oortstone:
13.8 - 12.5 = 1.3

As a percentage of base efficiency:
1.3 / 13.8 = 9.4%

And from memory it was supposed to be ~10%. (So no where near 40%.)

10% cost for 3x duration. Seemed ok for an initial balance.


It’s probably my math, and it was based on the screenshots in the thread I linked

2d 12h
3d 0h

Maintaining a portal isn’t high end content. It really isn’t.

I don’t think the loot tables need to be necessarily changed. I think crafting recipes need to be.

I’d rather see Combustion or Kindling used in combination with Oort Shards to create the Amalgam or some higher end fuel. Whether that’s acceptable to the majority of people or not is kind of irrelevant to me. What is more fun is. How often do you hear of people getting together and going off to some EXO to clear them? Since I’ve seen the EXOs introduced, I’ve only heard people openly talk about meteor hunts on them a small handful of times. I think the supply of Ichor kind of reflects that too.

How about leaving it with no purpose until we get airships and have them be part of some sort of component of the airship? We already have strong enough brew effects right now for the level of content we have. In fact, we have a lot of temporary buffs we can apply to ourselves in the game but nothing that would add more of a permanent effect. Armor with sockets or slots in them could be used for that and Ichor could be a main crafting ingredient for those orbs or socket gems that give your player small “enhancements”.

We’re over due for actual armor and gear setups that don’t take up inventory space. I think these are better ideas than just making more brews. Something that’s actually new that changes the way people approach in playing the game is, to me at least, a way better proposition to make.


But its sadly not ok :frowning: Right now even normal oortstones are scarce and on top of that u losing those 9.4% if you would want longer fuel times. I think that if anyone does use amalgam its people who have like 1-2 portals and they dont want to refuel it every now and then. Oortstones are the real problem. and amalgam in my opinion should be same efficieny as normal shards. so no loss when converting them into amalgam. Then it would be QoL feature and maaaaybe, just maaybe ppl would actually start using amalgam and start gathering ichor to make it. But thats just my opinion.


Ah let me try to find it. It was an old post I found when googling oort amalgam, a post on our forum came up.

I’m not sure how to link it, but it is a post titled Oort amalgam question. By tagris posted on apr 10th

It was already posted in this thread. But here’s another link.

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Oh okay, yes this makes it much more viable. I didn’t know the exact math from it. I was just going off the old post because I wasnt sure where to get the info. 9.4% loss is not bad at all for 3x duration.

Thank you for the information.

With only 9.4% loss that means you could sell it at 2x the price of normal oort shards and make a profit, while also saving portal owners 33% cost

Ooof miscommunication somewhere. Wasn’t trying to say or imply that at all. I’ve kept a max portal operating for a few months, it was a pain in the butt but certainly not high end content. I was strictly referring to ichor and their implementation on exos. If they bumped the loot table up for those who wanted ‘harder mobs’ rewarding more of the ichor from those meteors, then that’s what I was saying might be a good idea.

People are tired of hunting meteors in general though it seems like so that’s why I said ‘dunno. Seems like a good idea’ but that’s only if people aren’t tired of doing meteors.

Your fraction idea sounds good too but they don’t really have a history of changing things like that so I was just trying to stick in the realm of what they would be likely to do (bumping the loot tables so that t7 meteors yielded more loot).

I can agree with this. I mean, it does take both more Oortstone up front to make, plus other materials thus increasing it’s base cost. Having it also make the shards/anagram less efficient doesn’t feel justified to me. Although less than a 10% loss is not a great loss, I know when the balance pass on the forging system caused 10% or greater loss of effectiveness on the centraforge people lost their minds.

To me it costs more to make, so should be more efficient, but if it were just more potent and the same efficiency seems like a fair middle ground. Just my opinion though.


Well, based on server metrics are people really using amlagam…? By that I mean actually using it? If not it needs… balanced?

Okay so I have a question for portal hub owners, if I was able to gather amalgam and sell it to you for only 2x the price of regular oort, but you are getting 3x the fuel per shard bought, would you? It would save you 33% coin.

The loss of efficiency would be on my side

They should have done that from the very beginning anyways. EXOs are suppose to be very hostile places to go. Even more so once we have the Warp Wraith. It’ll make miners a lot more paranoid outside of drowning in water or burning to death by lava.

If they’re tired of doing meteors, then we as the community need to start suggesting better delivery vehicles for these kinds of items, particularly Ichor. That way there’s a lot better dynamics to how you go out and gather stuff up you need to craft for whatever you want to do.

Maybe there needs to be a larger variety of meteors… some that just spawn creatures, some that spawn Oort Shard mobs, another that spawns a large wildstock that destroys meteor towers made by players, and is larger than a level 5 elite wildstock. Heck it could be a completely unique creature to this type of meteor. Kill this “boss” and it drops 100 Ichor.

Just some random ideas that come to mind. They’re kind of like loot goblins in Diablo 3 and other games similar to it. Children of Morta does it (just started playing it and will make YT content of it but that’s off topic) although I haven’t actually been able to see how it all works yet.

I think that would breathe some life into meteor hunting if you know that each meteor is going to be relatively different enough from the last and next one that it makes it worth going on them. The idea could also simply just be introduced as a completely different event that goes on and is more or less dynamic events that you can see from the MMO called Rift. Another great way to implement something that isn’t completely pointless to do since you get a pretty decent assortment of rewards.

But even if meteor hunting changes up dramatically, we’re going to need a way to increase our inventory space by a lot. Either by some sort of bag system (modded MC servers with bags comes to mind) or some sort of traveling companion that’s a pack mule role that you interact with to open its inventory.

Anyways, I think I am starting to get off topic with this post.