Question Appeal - Community questions for the next devlog update - WIKI post

6 Days later … What’s the status ?

That was already answered yesterday.

Would it be possible to make it as either a livestream or as a video rather than just questions in pointform? it would be awesome to hear what you have been working on with a bit of personal opinion on it, also it leaves lots of space for @ben to make plenty of leaks xD

PS: still waiting on the video tour of the office and dev team that @ben promised so long ago.

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If we were to do a video, what format does the community have a preference for? Straight up video? Interactive Google Hangout? Twitch?


I would personally love to see it either on twitch or Youtube livestream. The division also makes a podcast which could also be an interesting choice if you dont have the tools for a proper filming. But for a video i think it would be cool to do it along the lines of DD2 Dev update

I think its pretty cool because they have a few things going on. So the game is the main focus and they kinda chill around, they have a few people talking about what they want, then they go over questions already asked by their community and then they spend some time taking questions directly through twitch chat.

One of the coolest things i think they did was while they were talking in one of the streams they had their artist draw some concept art of potential pets, nothing serious and nothing that was promised, but just allowing people to see the process was awesome :smiley:

TL;DR: you can either make it as just a video and only answer the questions that have already been asked by the community, would most likely be the easiest, or you could live stream it so people could ask questions directly to you guys :smile:


The only thing I want to add is, if they do a livestream, it would be good idea to upload the stream afterwards to YT^^


I like the idea of a live stream session, although it would put you guys on the spot! If you were to go that route, can any live-stream session be recorded for later viewing? I just conscious that with a worldwide community, not everyone will be able to come online at the time you do a live Q&A so it would only be beneficial to a portion of the community. I’m in the UK, the same as you guys, so anything you streamed during the day would be extremely difficult for me (and probably quite a few others) to get involved with due to work commitments.

With that, if any video stream were to address current and future questions (as opposed to just a walk around and meet the team type thing), I would want to see any questions and answers replicated on to the forums so that anyone that wasn’t able to be involved at the time can still easily reference and further discuss your responses.

Ok, @KuroKuma just beat me to the post about uploading to YT afterwards :wink:


Obviously, it’s more of a question whether you guys would want to get involved or would you be all shy :wink:


Twitch can save up 2 hours of stream. For every stream you do.

I would! of Course i would!

But not indefinitly, afaik streams are deleted after a period of time.

@ben We would bombard you with questions in the chat. Like last time you guys did a live stream^^


Yes streams are but you can save up to 2 hours of highlights for every stream if i remember correctly.

But yeah exporting to youtube would be an idea.

A twitch stream that gets uploaded to YouTube afterwards would be the imo best solution.
It would also be really nice if you would answer the questions asked in this post directly in the forum by simply editing this post.


I prefere a written FAQ. It’s clear and easy to recognize. A video might be a plus but it’s not my favorite …


@james: 16 days since start of the topic, 5 since the last answer from @ben and also 6 days since you said it’s not forgetten :smiley: … infos ?!

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I doubt this answer has changed yet. Also probably not as much a priority as making the actual game, and is probably something he is working on in his own free time.

@Havok40k: maybe i’m wrong … but the original question from @Saint_X and the answer from @james belong BOTH to the survey about beacons. NOT to answers for the questions!!!

I bet we get both requests at or around the same time. Try to relax, read some poetry, enjoy the outdoors. It’s ok if it takes a little time to get answers, it’s not ok to get stressed out over it.

The beacon survey has been released 5 days ago. I’m not stressing someone, i only like to get reliable informations :slight_smile: the information “it’s not forgetten” is about as helpful as saing there is sand in the desert. there is a significant difference between “not forgetten” and “we are working on it”.

but that’s something we already talked about (or at least i wrote you a pm about it :smiley: )

in my opinion they / he don’t need to answer all questions at the same time. but 5 answers a week won’t be a big deal that’s doable in ~1h without any problems.

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