Question Bomb damage to inert objects

Does anybody have a table related to different bomb types and the % broken-ness of different blocks?
Thanks either way :slight_smile:

When I wanted to explore this I found some old info from @lucadeltodecso posted around the time they were changing the bombs.

Once I got it sorted enough to be sure that rocks have more bomb armor than seams now I didn’t dig too much deeper though. I’m sorry I can’t remember the values.

Luckily it only counts as a single hit on a mesh :relieved: I was PANICKED when I bombed my base on T1 with a blink bomb!

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Oh THAT would have realllllllllly sucked

I did this recently

And thanfully my chests didnt break lol


Boundless Nightmares …

Storage, machines, adv coils I paid 7k for … ugghhhhh

Still for the rebuild I was lucky it was the edge of my base lol. That part is still repaired with different blocks so I never forget.

totally off topic sorry :blush:



You really want a near-death experience, ask @ChaosMkr1122 and @Envyv77 how they learned regen bombs dont work in plotted areas…

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