Questions for the early backers- higher tiers


A me and a number of players are debating over whether we should renew our sovereigns and the same loop keeps coming up.

  1. yes we should because if we keep paying and supporting the game the more likely its seen to be worthwhile developing & we love the game blah blah

  2. hell no, if you can’t be bothered to even pop in and say hi/update the Community, why pay more when a sovereign isn’t really necessary (all of these are t6 resource worlds)

This got me on to thinking, is there any communication still going on with the backers on the weekly (or maybe it was monthly )call. Whilst the sh*t show that Is the patch and comms would still exist, I personally would have the mindset to pump my money in If there were some - as this would make me believe the Devs are still invested in the game.

Appreciate these discussions most likely can’t be shared from the backers, but If they are still playing & paying then it unlikely to be a worst case outcome.

I would have messaged some directly via pm, if had any idea who has the tier giving their own world/call etc

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This is purely an opinion…but I think you should expand your criteria. Its not all about supporting the devs or not. Does the sov benefit you and your friends with resources, etc? Is it a benefit to the community? Those are things I personally would weigh first :thinking::grin:


Well I assume, I’m one of the people you’re hoping to hear from. I haven’t had one since February. April had to be pushed because of a last minute meeting James had and I wasn’t able to get a replacement slot and there was no response for May. I haven’t tried to reach out in other ways to get information. So, I have nothing in terms of where the update and company stand. I won’t give up trying to have a meeting but know if James doesn’t respond he is busy and I respect his time and my privileged access to it.

I do have my opinions as one of the few that probably had the most interaction with them… I’d say to keep supporting the game at least until the end of the year and then revisit your decision - that is if you can financially do so without putting yourself in a bad situation. Why remove support when clearly something happened that we can’t all understand but they are obviously trying to work through it and solve the issue.

My last April call schedule was after the BG3 announcement and there was no hint of a legal block of James being able to talk with me. I believe he would have told me and not pretended to ‘have a conflict.’ Unless of course he didn’t know about a legal block to share information - which makes no sense as the CEO.

Based on my interactions with James, the silence isn’t a slight or finger to the community. It’s likely done because he prefers to spend his time getting whatever is stopping the update done instead of spending those hours trying to write the perfect post (that most of the community will just argue or speculate over). We’ve seen him get in the game - so it is NOT dead. The action to support the game is still there by them - we just don’t have it in some of the forms we prefer. But, clearly there are efforts to handle it.

If people don’t like the game or are the type of ones that has to draw a moral line in the sand because of the “no information” then it might make sense to leave the game and find something that aligns with their views. Or, believe as I do, that the Devs are people and they are doing the best they can in whatever situation they are in. There IS a reason why we are in this lull and believe they are handling it the best they can.

Play and enjoy the game over the summer. That is why we are here - we enjoy it. Let’s see where we are in a few more months…

(p.s.) for those that are like - BUT THERE IS NO UPDATE!!! – I will tell you one thing - I bet James and the rest of the Devs are MUCH MORE PISSED about this than you are. I’ve seen the frustration on his face about other delays and how it affected the community/game, etc.


Appreciate the time taken to put up such a detailed reply. Honestly this insight is enough in itself to warrant pushing a little more cash into the game. There’s no real impact on my wallet & if it does help, why not


The planet I have was intended to help anyone who wanted, however despite its Huge concentrations of topaz it isn’t all that used. Currently only I use it and if it became necessary…or fruitless to spend the cash galan would be a reasonable substitute.

If it had 5 or more daily visits I would probably keep it anyway to help others


I have not had a call with the developers since March and have had no response to any PM’s I have sent since that call. Could they be really busy? Yes. And as we are all aware, a number of the development team members have moved to a different studio, so I am sure the people left are that much busier.

All that being said, personally I have allowed my last beacon to reclaim and I am waiting for the release to make any decisions on how I will continue to play the game. Will I move to a private universe or stay in the MMO? The grind is making a decision to stay in the MMO difficult for me, but I am going to wait and see what affects the new release has on the level of grind in the MMO.

I already allowed my sovereign to expire as I was getting frustrated in spending money and not getting a planet I found to be suitable for my needs. playing the lottery for a planet I wanted was not a game I wanted to play. So that decision was totally unrelated to the current situation. The ability to create planets without having to spend money on a sovereign may solve this issue for me.


I’m an early baker but from the lowest tiers, i haven’t seen any post for bakers only either.

Also I think you guys should decide to spend money on a game if the game is being fun for you and that’s it.


Im not a early backer but Been playing since PlayStation early access but but but who cares about others negative thoughts if your enjoying and having fun should keep it boop like me I still buy cubits for plots because I enjoy building and still having Fun regardless of update or what people say boop here a :cookie: boop


I’m not an early backer either and a big shoutout to @Xaldafax for such a well detailed response.

While I am not a developer for Wonderstruck I am a developer for other things. I know the frustrations that normally happen in a development cycle and I also know the ever-changing landscape of development and the decisions made above my head and how it can frustrate me, on top of all that I, much like everyone else in the world had to deal with COVID on top of the daily frustrations. Questioning daily if I would still have a job over the past year was quite challenging and to say the least worrisome.

With all that said, while I do think James or any developer could simply post updates, I am sure that he is working very hard on the update and I know having talked to him very briefly that he is still working on the update and expressed how complications from COVID had made some things difficult.

Lastly, as @Xaldafax mentioned, I am sure James is still happy to just have a job in the field he enjoys and I know he is active and developing for Boundless. Both of those appease me and while I’m not a backer, I wish I had been as I love the game and wish I had found it sooner.

I for one will be renewing my sovereigns and buying more into the future to help support the game I love and support this great community.


I’ve never been in any backer calls, good ol’ @Xaldafax has been my inside guy for that. I have frequently had a bit of… “privileged” access to inside information in the past, but nothing since the last update if not longer.

I wonder if James would even respond if I reached out to him like before. I assume that my diminished activity in the community lately is doing me no favors.


@Havok40k come back and play! Always looking for seasoned vets :slight_smile:

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Well, that is not good. :worried:

Not really playing much of anything but WZ these days. I’ve not been able to overcome the creative block in quite some time, so I just putz about in Verdansk instead.

I’m not a backer as stated but I have had contact with James so I know he is actively developing.

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True words. I know it’s hard, but we should put ourselves in their shoes more often.

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If WZ is warzone, let’s get some duo dubs! If my graphics card will ever ship…

I was referring to not answering PMs

I understand. I sent him one yesterday and he replied. Hopefully he’ll be in touch soon. I am sure PM’s aren’t his first concern.

Hopefully, he’s hard at work developing ladders. I’ve been waiting 3 years for them



Dunno if I should laugh or cry.