Questions on healing bombs and regular bombs

I know that with the regen bombs it doesn’t matter what they are made of, the higher tier of mats, silver, gold, gems doesn’t make a difference so just use the copper bombs for regen.

But, on the healing ones, which ones is best? Would it matter on what planet you were going to so you have a better healing bomb? Basically, a titanium healing bomb would be better than a iron one, a gem one would be better than a titanium bomb. So, if you were going to toxin planet would you want healing bombs to be emerald healing bombs or would it not matter, the titanium ones would be as good.

I know that in using them to kill the critters, you want to match the elements, same with the slingbow, you want a slingbow made of a toxin element so it will do a better job of killing toxin elementals, goats, cuttletrunks and such. A Diamond bomb to be used to kill the critters would not be a good one to you on a burn planet but best to be used on a blast planet, same with the slingbow.

Getting ready to make some healing bombs, but don’t know if I should just use titanium or make some of gems, that would be a waste if it doesn’t really matter, same as a waste to make regen bombs of gold. Waste of good gold in my opinion.

There is nothing special about gems for healing bombs. Really, all that matters is the amount of damage on the bomb and the range. Range is a big factor if you are healing on meteor hunts because people can easily run out of the range before being healed.

Are gem healing bombs better than the ore ones, diamonds better than titanium and emeralds better than topaz for example?

Look at the stats in the knowledge menu, you will see the differences between them.

Higher the damage they do, higher the healing done.

If you aim for a self use healing bomb, go for higher damage lower range.

If you aim to heal during meteor hunts, aim for mid to high damage and higher range.

Gem bombs are overall better than the ores one due to the higher damage.

There are differences between the bombs, even regen bombs. They are just generally so minor that most people don’t really consider them.

In particular one of the things that varies based on the type of bomb used is the default range. The lowest bombs have a default range of 2, while the highest gem bombs (topaz) have a default range of 4. Forging will add something like +22 range if I recall (might be slightly off) at least for a regen bomb. So really the extra +2, while it does exist is generally considered a pretty minor difference since most regen you are doing are well within the 22 range you get from forging, so the extra cost for gem based bombs isn’t really providing a noticeable improvement.

For healing bombs you end up with a much lower range, so the range would potentially be more noticeable here, but again the cost difference makes it hard to justify a minor range boost even for healing bombs. I would be nice to see the bombs vary a bit more in quality to make it worth using the various types of bombs. Making lower end bombs have massive range but lower damage, while higher end bombs have significantly higher damage, but lower range could really start giving some variation in the bombs used. Then if you needed massive AOE you could craft a different type of bomb that would hit much lower, but would allow you to mass heal or mass regen an area. Or if you needed something more focused that would allow you to full heal someone in a single shot, but would have a significantly reduced range then at least the trade off would be useful.

But as it stands now, yes there is a difference, no this difference usually isn’t enough to really matter in the end other than for healing bombs which depend on both damage and range both of which scale with higher end bombs.

Bomb regen boon sets the bomb range to 24m regardless of base material used.

edit: Tested this just to be sure



Essentually, the damage value becomes the bomb’s healing value.

Given how relatively cheap it is to make healing bombs, its more cost efficient to use iron bombs.

The only exception to this is if you plan to use them to heal others, in this case topaz forged with damage and AoE are most preferable

Thanks for the help, I am looking for both individual usage and for group, either official group hunt or a few friends out hunting and run into a meteorite or a angry mob.

I pretty well knew that the regen bombs don’t matter what ore or gem, so best to go with just copper, helps to tell them apart also.

But healing and also to kill the critters, I have read conflicting posts so wanted to check as things change with each update. Most posts and some info I have read in knowledge, which is hard to know what you get when you are forging, seem to go that elementals need bombs (and slingbows) that are their element, blast need blast shards, toxin need toxin shards.

This is very helpful and appreciate the feedback.