Quick question involving my rental world

So my rental just ran out of fuel a few hours ago.

How long until the planet and builds are reclaimed and said items available in the reclaimed section at my beacon?

I just got back into boundless and I can’t wait to start out again! Unfortunately i didn’t think about my unfortunate timing with all my stuff possibly being tied up for a bit.

Any advice appreciated.

Also good to be back! :grin:

I think things are available for reclaim once the planet is deleted. You can request for the planet to be deleted before the end of the 2 weeks period. There’s a thread for it

This is the link to the thread. But I see that it is closed now. Maybe @majorvex or @Stretchious can reopen it


Much appreciated!
I’ll find it and do just that :+1:

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Found it for you, see edit

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Reopened! :+1:


Thanks guys :+1:

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Welcome back! Out of curiosity, why do you not like your old planet anymore? I always enjoyed visiting. At one point it looked like a lot disappeared though :thinking:

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I liked it, but the thought of a fresh start was too good to pass up lol

This game is unbelievable when you have the mats and a vision to build!


I had a planet remain on my list for 2 months after it ran out of fuel before it was removed. Another was removed 5 weeks afterwards… i did not bother asking for the planet to be removed in the thread because i was curious to see how long it would go before it got cleaned up.

Yeah, I’ve actually started reclaiming them from afar for that reason. Luckily now it’s just an empty planet waiting to die. Now I just gotta organize millions of items :man_shrugging: