Hey Everyone.
We’re coming up to 30 days since the launch of the private worlds. And there are now many many worlds online!
If you want to keep your world then please make sure you add fuel to the world to extend its life. You can easily fuel any world that you own or have beacons on via the Shop > Redeem
tab in game. So if you’re sharing a world with friends or guild members then you can collectively maintain a world.
Whilst a world is inactive and can’t be visited you can still reclaim beacons to recover your items. You can do this directly from your Beacon list as you can’t visit the world.
Once a world has expired you currently have 2 weeks to extend the world. If the world is not extended that all beacons on the world will automatically be reclaimed and the world retired.
(We are reviewing the rules around extending worlds in response to usage patterns.)
Keeping unwanted worlds after they have expired does cost us some money, and it seems silly to waste resources if the owners already know that they don’t intent to renew them. So with this in mind:
If you have an active Sovereign or Creative world that you no long want then please let us know and we can remove it. support@playboundless.com
If you have an expired Sovereign or Creative world that you do not intend to extend then please let us know and we can remove it. support@playboundless.com
Updated Feb 27th, 2023: Please send your requests to: support@playboundless.com
We can also transfer world ownership between players. If you want to transfer ownership please send your request with details to: support@playboundless.com
Please let me know if you have any questions about maintaining your Sovereign and Creative world.
In response to a few queries below - the system for locking and then terminating worlds runs automatically. This isn’t something that we need to process manually.
My query here was for worlds that we could terminate early given there are likely many online that we already know aren’t going to be extended. I think this is more of a one-off given the initial burst of worlds.
We have considered an option of giving players an action in game for transferring and terminating worlds.