What's happening with DK Mall?

He did take over a running operation.

Not to belittle DKs efforts he made it what it was and built most of what was there. It was DK Mall more than anything. It was actively being griefed at the time I think, just more to DKs credit :rofl:

EDIT: Yeh dug this up for a chuckle. By the time all was said and done DK took it over. I don’t think the original builder lasted long after this.


In fairness, did you stop using Microsoft products after Bill Gates left? Or did you stop using Apple after Steve Jobs died? Do you refuse to watch Charlie Chaplin movies because he died in 1977?

I can see what you’re getting at, but DK Mall is a name that players are familiar with so it makes sense to retain the branding.

Name change = Karl’s Mall :joy:

I ll think new GTG Mall won t die because all Hunters are always there.


History DK mall has… no doubt about it.
There is still a small hope DK returns (from my side) and DK has all the rights in the CP plots.

Yes if i did see DK mall as my mall… i would change the mall’s name to something els. But don’t so….

An other thing i want to point out “big names” even though I have been here since release I don’t consider myself a “big name”. But a quite a few of these “big names” have been going around here and there pared with not so good rumors.

All im saying “big names” is a point of view…
As some can be listed here that are in my eyes even bigger names and they aren’t known by most.


One day maybe I will return :blush:

Honestly the game just has low population right now. DK mall at its prime had about 200 active shops, that’s basically the whole player base right now!


I had hoped @DKPuncherello would come back myself.

@Buugi I have a ton of respect for every player in the the game not just the “people who have made a name for themselves”. While I do get someone with experience might be able to run a mall better due to more plots or more coins… in the end its the community that decides which mall to use and back to us proving each others point… if its someone that doesn’t have your respect … then it is back to the community having to support that players project. No support will make it fail… simple.

Lastly, @Buugi it is pretty disheartening that just because I or @Tmmk took over the efforts of DK shouldn’t deter you from using a mall especially if we want the game to continue or try to be better. I would never rename DK Mall out of respect for the man who built it.

I considered creating this “lotus” mall your mentioned, but as you stated no one would support that because I don’t have their respect.

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This is Boundless - you can build what you want. Though since the player pop is so low, I find it comical how many malls are around now.

None of these new ones are doing well. And any further malls will never fill. You heard it here first.


Player influx. Game redesign to incorporate player influx.


Okay, that settles it. We need a metamall. Everyone can build their own mall at the metamall.


I just live and build on my sovereign and that probably won’t change unless the game dies.

If someone built a 10 shop mall … it would fill … just saying.

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Do they though? :wink:

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Well if you have respect apparently.


Haha, you joker :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All of my sovs ran for at least 1-2 months after i stopped paying for them.

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Actually accessible, or just not fully deleted? My world seems to close earlier than I expect it to.

I think they stick around for at least 2 weeks unless you ask for removal (usually to get beacons/plots returned faster). After that, I assumed they fully expired and were automatically removed. Maybe not?

They did have a temp hold on it to give people a chance to reactivate it… maybe the clean up script had a hiccup or something…

the cleaning lady is on strike

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I check back in time to time, this game will always hold a special place in my heart alongside most of its community, but I have to admit seeing the game in this level of disrepair is demoralizing @Leahlemoncakes I really wish you guys would pour the much needed love back into this title it deserves, the community deserves it, they have stuck it out with you guys despite all the setbacks, failed promises and flaws and put food on your families tables.

I miss alot of you,



Actually accessible, i intentionally stopped replying on that thread to say my planets were expired so i could see if they were even paying attention…

which clearly they werent at the time, i doubt anything has changed since.