What's happening with DK Mall?

Haha, you joker :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All of my sovs ran for at least 1-2 months after i stopped paying for them.

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Actually accessible, or just not fully deleted? My world seems to close earlier than I expect it to.

I think they stick around for at least 2 weeks unless you ask for removal (usually to get beacons/plots returned faster). After that, I assumed they fully expired and were automatically removed. Maybe not?

They did have a temp hold on it to give people a chance to reactivate it… maybe the clean up script had a hiccup or something…

the cleaning lady is on strike

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I check back in time to time, this game will always hold a special place in my heart alongside most of its community, but I have to admit seeing the game in this level of disrepair is demoralizing @Leahlemoncakes I really wish you guys would pour the much needed love back into this title it deserves, the community deserves it, they have stuck it out with you guys despite all the setbacks, failed promises and flaws and put food on your families tables.

I miss alot of you,



Actually accessible, i intentionally stopped replying on that thread to say my planets were expired so i could see if they were even paying attention…

which clearly they werent at the time, i doubt anything has changed since.