Race Abilities

I don’t understand everyone saying that races don’t matter in AAA titles. Draenei are clearly the master race with their racial heal…although that’s coming from a mistweaver monk main who gets a +40% off of it.

Disclaimer: The above is meant to be taken as a joke. It references another video game so some concepts within it may be unfamiliar to you. If that is the case, please consider that you’re likely not the target audience for said joke. Any questions or concerns can be sent to me via inbox to be discussed away from the main public discussion. Thank you.

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All other races are inferior to the forsaken.


Filthy forsaken would think that…#wrathgate.

Edit: Disclaimer: The above is meant to be taken as a joke and is aimed directly at it’s intended recipient. As a joke, it is not meant to be directly insulting. If you believe this post to be aimed at you, you are likely mistaken. Any questions or concerns can be sent to me via inbox to be discussed way from the main public discussion. Thank you.

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Well, even if you don’t consider the class-lock I wouldn’t call the WoW racials negligible:

Not substantial either but definitely a nice extra.


As a blood elf protection paladin, their racial was godly. I was an interrupt/silence machine back in the day.

True but then again with all these noticable racial differences:

It seems rather hard to balance no?

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I mean, is true balance attainable ever? I’d argue no.

Even with my racial ability on my draenei building off of a healing bonus from my class, I’m still outhealed by our guild’s shaman.

And even though I was decent at interrupts a few years ago on my paladin that didn’t remove the need for other interrupting users.


Anyway, WoW discussions are getting us off track from Boundless. I meant to just make a small joke but it sort of went further.

I think so long as the Boundless skill trees are wide enough and deep enough then having characters that are unique enough should be attainable, especially with the differences in forge stats and wearables. I think tying uniqueness to profession paths instead of race selection gets at the same goal but just seems to be a difficult thing for people to wrap their heads around.

Disclaimer: “People” is not used to target any one specific user or even a group of users on these forums. It is meant to make a generalization about all of us and the previous, heated discussions concerning racial abilities. For more information, please use the searching functionality on these forums. Any questions or concerns can be sent to me via inbox to be discussed away from the main public discussion. Thank you.


The tough part about racials, for me, is when the community decides that a particular race is better at some particular role. Players playing that role, but the “wrong” race become somewhat ostracized in groups. (See: troll warriors in classic WoW)

The trouble is that race is a decision (often) made at the very start of their play with the game. If they “choose wrong”, they’re (lightly) punished - or they experience anxiety surrounding the choice.

If players could change these racials after the fact, it wouldn’t be a problem, even if it were difficult to do. They probably wouldn’t be called racials at that point, though.

WoW’s racials especially irk me due to the paid race changes. Min/maxers feel compelled to follow the FOTM. I know quite a few folk that spent an unreasonable amount of money on that, just so they could be “optimal” :-/

My thoughts on racial abilities have been stated many times on these forums. I think if we really want to reopen racials, then we can reopen one of those threads. This broad thread doesn’t seem like the place to continue such a narrow discussion.

Disclaimer: The above was not aimed solely at Nevir. It was instead aimed at everyone, myself included, who has been discussing only racials over the last few posts. It should also be taken as a suggestion, not an order. I am not a leader so I do not have the ability to split posts. Still, I felt like the suggestion seemed fitting for conversation to continue on a topic that the community clearly feels strongly about despite having been discussed several times. If you disagree with me and would like to continue this conversation here, you are welcome to do so. As always, any questions or concerns can be sent to my inbox for discussion to continue away from the public topic. Thank you.


You like these disclaimers :wink: but yeah I am going to find a relevant thread and necro it by moving our posts over there.

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Yes I do. I find it helps prevent preventable drama or misunderstandings, especially when I’m posting in a topic that the community is strongly passionate about.


I’m not sure if there is much news in this topic, but I have a suggestion that may please all sides: Don’t make race-specific abilities, BUT do make abilities that you have to choose from in character creation. Using the above example, you could choose whichever race/colors/customizations you wanted for aesthetics, then you could choose I want less falling damage but less payload as well. Or, just less falling damage. That way, there is still a certain special thing you can have, but it’s not tied to how the character looks. In WoW, for example, I loved the troll racial ability (in Vanilla WoW, not sure it’s the same now), but I thought trolls were the least cool looking in their armor. I would have loved being able to choose a Tauren, and give them the berserk talent.


One way to flesh out races without giving them a major advantage is the food they eat to heal. A cat person might get helth from meat while a plant based race will heal by ingesting water. You could have a race of obsidaman who heal by eating rocks or minerals.


Wow! There are so many people with differing opinions on this subject. Personally, I agree with the developers. Expressing yourself in a game is really important in today’s society. I agree with a comment above that this is more of a “what kind of skins will there be” instead of an actual race discussion. Terminologies are unique to any game. So if they are calling skins a “race”, then there is really no argument at this point for what abilities a race should or shouldn’t have. Given the way things are currently looking, being able to select a few professions makes you a specialized member in your guild despite what you look like. On the other hand, you could have racial abilities and have “diverse” communities, but having racial abilities WILL tie your hands when it comes to certain game-play aspects no matter what. It is better to remove racial abilities and allow your character to be developed the way you want, have the traits you want, have the abilities you want, and still look how you want to look. Plus with the further discussions of having the ability to reset your ability tree you can be more adaptable to you or your guilds needs which is a benefit overall.