Ki’Rin Co. is proud to bring you “Fronds Super Store”! Now open for business!
Located on Alder in the town of K’un Lun, Fronds SuperStore brings you foliage and plants from all permanent planets as well as exoplanet colors going back to September 2019!
Organized by color group, Fronds has thousands of foliage, plants, grass, and flowers available in many colors at affordable prices!
Easy access from Dk’s Mall near row B under the lilac tree.
Portals to K’un Lun also at TNT, Fireborn, PS Alder, Code Gleam, Sasquatchville, and Farm School.
Update: Added plants and foliage from current T6 Exo - Norali.
Over 100 Vivid Orange Glowcap Fungus and Rose Trumpet Root now in stock! As well as a sizable stock of the Rosetta Nox, aloba, tinted burst and clustered tongue fungus.
T7 Balonychus plants added. Hundreds of silk teal funnel fungus and vivid Slate oortian staff, as well as foliage, spinebacks, and cobalt travelers perch!