Real money decorations

I had a potentially revenue generating idea that I want to share. I’m curious what the community’s thoughts are on something like this.

How would people feel about there being a crafting material that can only be purchased for cubits, that is an ingredient in some decorative recipes? I will repeat decorative recipes only. Think pants, but for your plots.

Let’s call the material Gilded Tech to theme it for the Oortian world.

My reasoning is this would give the devs a way to make money by creating cosmetic items for our builds, in addition to the cosmetic items they already sell to decorate our characters. All they would have to do to introduce a premium decoration to the game is add Gilded Tech to the recipe. The flip side is we already paid $40 for the game so what is the reasonable amount of regular recipes vs premium recipes?

So that brings me to the second controversial part of this idea. What if we address that by making Gilded Tech tradeable? Now everyone has access to the premium decorations. But it also means players could convert real world money into coins by buying Gilded Tech and putting it on shop stands. Or by selling the premium decorations made from them. I haven’t thought about the implications of this at all.

That’s the idea in a nutshell. I’ll finish with an anonymous poll so ppl can register their thoughts easily. This is a delicate subject in gaming but we all want to see this game do well so I thought a way to approach the subject is for us to think out loud about it, and the devs can read from the shadows.

  • The game should add premium decorative blocks which are account-bound and not tradeable).
  • The game should add premium decorative blocks which are tradeable.
  • Do not add premium decorative blocks.
  • I hate this idea so much I built a 40 plot poo emoji with a13o’s name on the forehead.

0 voters

Apologies to those who would only build a 20 plot poo emoji with my name on it. Go big or go home.


Whoever voted for the poo emoji, please provide location :stuck_out_tongue:

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Freak’n hilarious! :rofl::rofl::+1:Thank you for the lolz

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More decorations overall would be nice.

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The issue is they would have to add 0 prestige or be of the same values of normal decorative blocks of similar types provided they also cost the same amount of resources.

Not to mention once you start going down the road of adding purchasable items like this it can be a slippery slope.


How about recipes for cubits instead of blocks for cubits?

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My vote is for tradeable blocks that use cubits in the recipe because cubits can’t be simply picked up off the ground.

How do you propose account bound blocks would work? non-account bound would lead to real world to game exchange.

No. It would be against the policy you being able to aquire every item in the game. Or craft everything.
Example you cannot maybe craft wayfarers totem but you can buy it.
If they would add these there should be 0 possibilities to trade or sell those!
It ables walletwarriors to buy those a lot then sell them = breaking the system eventually

Poo emoji. Wish I could vote twice.

Poo Emoji location:
Kada I 1987N -1200E

Its 84*88 so 11x11 plots == 121
with but not the entire square is taken so 121-36(unused plots) = 85 plots.

Brown - Dark mustard lusterous wood timber
Black - Black metamorphic stones
Grey - Grey metamorphic stones
Yellow - Stack Yellow gleam
White - Pale Lavender twisted wood


No estoy de acuerdo, ya ganan dinero si tu quieres mas parcelas las pagas con dinero real y creo q es mas q suficiente, ya que en el juego lo recalcan que no hace falta gastar para tener de todo y avanzar en el juego, aqui lo que falta es mas cooperacion en la economia algunos exagerais los precios, otros usan la logica, aquellos que usen la logica para poner un precio vendera mucho mas que aquel que piensa en tener mas y mas

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Aw man I ran out to take a photo but I can’t find it. Are coords correct? There’s a gleam farm here but not much else.

(I did pass your cool floating islands build on my way out here though!)

edit: :sob:

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As long as they don’t count for massive prestige advantage etc I would be all for it.