Gonna do a hunt at 1:45pm EST on my new planet. It’s a small planet so I have room for 8 more people. It will be a really easy laid back hunt. It’s t3. Kind of a test run really.
Meet at the Towers of Power on Alder.
So that was pretty awesome. Ran the whole planet in an hour. Got 219 Oort with 4 of us.
Is the planet open for visitors?
sheeeeshhh! juicy
It is. I don’t mine normally. But I did last night and it was awesome. Lots of surface resources as well.
Sorry I couldn’t make it do another soon please
Wait you used a hammer? I thought you only made them!
Aaah saw this late. Hopefully next time!
With all of this iron, I bet you’re having a field day
Might do another later tonight.
@Nightstar hahaha. Right. It was actually really good. So I’ll be mining a lot more. And the planet will be around for awhile.
Sweet. I am in a lull on building and trying to decide how to build something, so I have time
Probably 10 pm EST we’ll be doing the next hunt.
It’s a small planet so will be about 1 hour. But can go as long as it takes to do all the regions except one.
Was fun thank you for a great hunt!
Thanks for coming. Hope we can get a couple more people to join next time. Still got good Oort.
Doing a Hunt at 10 pm EST
Super easy T3. 10 person planet.
Meet at the Towers of Power on Alder.
Damn I just saw this… next time…
It was a really good one. Might do another Saturday afternoon.
We had 9 people for most of it.
Went 2.5hrs
644 Oort

We will be hosting another hunt today at 2 pm EST. It’s a t3 planet so it will be very easy and lucrative for Oort. There’s space for 10 people.
Meet at the Towers of Power on Alder.
Is there a portal to the Towers from one of the large hubs?
Behind the TNT T5/T6 network