Recipe Revamps

I think we should have a discussion involving the whole community about recipes. Some changes have been understandable. Others, not so much.

Just what is the intended purpose for many of these changes, really? An intent to increase prep/grind time to craft these items? Using up commonly stored items?

If devs intend either to increase play time required to enter “endgame” or use up stored items it seems counter productive. I understand that devs base many of their decisions on in game statistics. However, it seems like devs base this on the total statistics without taking into account how the extreme outliers affect their averages. Frankly, I have no idea how some players manage crazy 600+/hour gem gathering even with the best gear and skills, but they do. They are an extreme example and while I’m glad they can manage it, I’m not happy that it appears to make the devs make more and more extreme decisions about required gathering. I don’t want those outliers nerfed. I also don’t want my ability to progress sniffled either.

If this is something the Oortian level members are requesting… then frankly they are out of touch with the average player and they are wrong. I find this possibility unlikely, but want to cover it as well.

I’m trying very hard to understand the intent behind these changes. I’m all for a recipe revamp but more grind is not the answer. More content is. More craftable items. More creatures. More challenges beyond the grind.


I think they were pretty clear about why they made the last change to pure boon compounds: it didn’t make sense that pure compounds were easier to make than the other compounds.

People’s argument against it seems to be that they don’t like it because they don’t want to use the other compounds because they aren’t as good as pure compound, making the devs’ point for them.

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Relative to the outlier gatherers, I would also be considered an “average player”. I don’t believe the abundance of top tier hammers was healthy for the longevity of the game (server bandwidth and regen mechanics) nor for the breadth of the economy (shimmering orbs). Top tier forgers were crafting only 5 or 6 forge ingredients to get top results, so in a way this is actually forcing the playerbase’s eye to the other ingredients and components, which theoretically should increase the value of alternate ingredients across the board.

Only both of these points have a counter point.

The best boon buff in the game is currently the easiest to make.

Additionally, the other boon unstable compounds are not easier to make. They also suck, so bad as to be considered a design flaw. Even Jvita, the most positive guy in the world (esp. about Boundless) said it on his stream. They need to be redesigned, and are currently near worthless except to the .1% of players at the top teir end game already.

They claim it was a bug, which in all honestly makes me want to use colorful words that i know i am not allowed to say on here.

How in the world doses a bug that is so blatant, that anyone who opens up the crafting window will see at once. go unfixed for this long? or if for some reason there was some good reason it could not have been fixed, there was no posts anywhere whatsoever warning people it was a bug and not to get used to it?

I really don’t understand, inless the devs simpley do not play their own game, how something as gross as this is missed for as long as it was?

I only been playing the game for a month, it was like that for at least a month, maybe even alot longer?

I don’t think it was a bug. I think it was just a oversight. but calling it a bug might look better on the Public Relations side of things, when in my book, that looks worse.

I know this post might sound very negative. But I really don’t understand, and I am starting to have a hard time trying to view some of the recent patch situations with a positive view point.