Reclaim not showing up (Solved)

I reclaimed a beacon and it’s not showing up in my reclaim

I have no open reclaim.

Any Help Devs

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a few questions

  • is it still reclaiming?

  • did you check your primary beacon?

  • if you go back down the stairs (start position) does it show you x amount of reclaims?

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I don’t think they’re much on the forums…
Please use the support email address since that seems to be the new official way to get their help.

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I reclaimed at 4am my time
Just went to reclaim and didn’t see it on the reclaim list.
So I checked my 3 beacons I do my reclaims and nothing.

I see a expired beacon on my beacon list but no reclaim for it.

I had lots of my tools and blocks for this major project.
and when I mean a lot. Most of my titanium blocks
Not good!

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Thank You, will send msg now

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I thought i had this once because i knew i had several sitting there. But once i clicked on reclaim i had a reclaim that had like two things left to grab. Once I did all my other reclaims then showed. So If there is no number up there next to reclaim does not mean you don’t have an open one. Might just double check…

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triple checking all beacons again, Thanks
I hope it shows up cus I’m not a happy rite now.

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if it does show up as reclaim count when you go back to the start area, it does mean it actually reclaimed correctly, u could try to go to any of your bacons and set that beacon as your new primary (master) beacon, and see if it pops up

The beacon shows up as expired.
Not reclaimed or that reclaim symbol


the only reason you see expired is when a beacon in reclaim gets reclaimed get it?


say for example i have a beacon called GLEAM in my reclaim
i then reclaim that beacon on my master beacon, that new reclaimed beacon always gets the name unnamed beacon the previous beacon (GLEAM) on my list reclaim list (places–> beacons) will show up as expired with an X next to it

also difference to icons

Even as expired it should auto reclaim under the new system

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Found It.

There was a beacon on a Sov world that had that reclaim Icon.
I never opened a reclaim there. But it’s on a opened reclaimed.

I’m so re-leaved,

I checked all my beacons like 6 times.
Boundless age catching up with me.

Thank You All For Your Help @HOST @May-L04 @Wondernut

This Thread can be closed Up @majorvex


you are very welcome :slight_smile: glad its sorted! enjoy your gameplay bud :+1: