Recurring Gleam sub?

Can you make your Gleam sub recurring? I would like to never risk not prolonging it s I would love if there was a recurring option (but I havent found such option, am I sort of blind?)

Thanks for any help!

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GC stacks… So if you buy 180days 2 times… You hav 360days worth of GC.


I 4-500 weeks of Gleamclub so it stacks if that’s what your looking for boop


I guess this is a sort of solution. Recurring would be better in my opinion. And even better would be a recurring sub that would attempt charge a week before the sub runs out so that you had time to act in case the payment failed.

But I guess I’ll have to buy double up on the time then :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for help!

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Great minds think alike I suppose