Reduce underground smoke!

Also happens inside buildings. Fun! Not…


I also noticed the “Charging effect” for slingbows got much stronger and this one shall really get “epilepsy warning” :laughing: Made a short vid.

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It actually “rotates” slower (a guy in Scotland is moving slower than someone in Ecuador since he is closer to the axis) but it’s at a more oblique angle to the sun :wink:

I kinda like the smoke but that’s just me. I’m with @majorvex. I wouldn’t be opposed to it being a tad less smoky, or an option to disable smoke rain etc though.


Lol yes I know. Morning has its tremendous detriment to my thought process. I will forget the code to get into my house. I really need a change

I like the weather effects when I’m exploring but I’d really like to see at least the fog removed underground or inside an enclosed build.

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Hunting gleambows on Cardass was rough with the sandstorm. The lack of visibility I can deal with, but moving fast made the effect flash on and off like a strobelight or something. (only an issue with light equipped, but still) Ps4 if it matters.


same here, had to switch planets, couldn’t deal with the blinding nonsense…
having glow grapples is really bad for this kinda thing.


All in all the first time you experience the fog/steam if like me your first instinct is to go to the graphics settings and look for a way to turn it off but alas there is no such option, which is a big turn off imo.

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I have tried turning on/off all the setting options but still no luck …
I realize that I cant even traveling on Cardass due to high intensity of fog/storm planes.

I do like all the effects but also feel that a held light source with fog removes visibility way too much.

And yes, especially annoying in your own home. Or when working on your basement


Have you been on TANA lately. I keep trying to finish a build there and the block delay for me is soooooo bad. Also the fog is just overwhelming. It is literally hard to see what I’m doing. This is frustrating given the delay problems as well. I’m over my gf and we are wired in Verizon fios. I know James says it’s client but I don’t get it. I think Tana is also East servers.