💯 Regen Farming SMALL Quantities FAST!

I went to the new exo, Camur, and there was a delicious colour of Tangle (Silk Lavender) but it was only a spot of 3 :confused:

BUT with a few key bind changes I was able to quickly farm up loads of Tangle in no time at all :slight_smile:

If you wanna get some of this tangle it is still available for a couple days, there co-ordinates are in the video (thanks to @Soju-VB for those)


Hint : if you don’t have a partner to hit you can kill a animal, drag his body over and target your bombs at him. It’s A instant bomb detonation for the 3 min he is dead. Make sure you don’t have a auto looter on.
Besides that have someone throwing the bombs. Great idea though for solo! My friend remapped his controller for getting the creeping feats done early in the game. Funny stuff seeing him creep in his building for days. :joy:


I really enjoyed the two Roadrunners having a lovely conversation at around the 1:30 to 1:40 mark.

Great tip thanks Ovis

Simple but effective!

I was actually using my daughters Boundless account on the PS4 to do this type of thing on a previous exo because I found it was much easier to stand still with one spot targeted and hit then regen with a controller without moving than it was with my mouse… but yeah, remapping to the keyboard will now be my go-to :+1:

O.O whatcha doing with all that tangle O.O

Making tangle traps so everyone gets tangled up

I recommend avoiding his area…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Never thought about using keyboard for farming still. Nice tip (as usual!) :smiley:

Wow i def saw much bigger pads of tangle just off shore - like 40+

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Mmmm that is some tasty tangle. Thanks

@Savior - Ooh thats a good idea with the dead mob! thanks :slight_smile:

@Azmadi - They were planning their rise to power! :smile: No worries Az :ok_hand:

@Soju-VB - Ah yeh I’m not sure whats easier as I’ve never played Boundless on a controller, but do not do what I did and try to angle yourself by placing some expensive blocks to stand on… I used a couple compact gem blocks so I could get a better angle and boom. Gone. :neutral_face:

@BabyCookie - @host is correct. :+1:

@almund - Thanks dude :smile:

@Wul - You sure it was on the Camur planet? Because there is a bunch of Cobalt Tangle on the newer exo planet, which is in the water and has looooads in big pads :+1:

@Orrian - Tasty indeed, still waiting on Deep Lavender gleam :drooling_face:


@Ovis no loc token = never happened :crazy_face::crazy_face:

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