Regen farming tip

If you bring a friend and they’re near where you throw your regen bombs, they’ll explode instantly.

Not the most practical tip but it can speed things up a tiny bit.

how deep is that growth farm?

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It’s 3x3x3 blocks, couldn’t find a better T1 :woman_shrugging: TNT Shim farm btw for those interested.
(I have pretty OCD-ish requirements for them, so the ones that don’t touch a plot border were out of the question :sweat_smile:)

I’m a bit jealous of the squatch farms


The Bombs will explode instantly. Not your friend. This had me quite puzzled and then entertained for a while.


Been regen farming like crazy this week for all types of orbs, brick ingredients, little bit of everything. These farms are awesome! And the TNT farms seem to always be well stocked in greatly priced forged tools.

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