Regions on 3 KM worlds

So, I’ve gotten a few …cough…planets. They had 34 regions. he last two have had 26 and 28. Is that right? Is someone giving me a 2.8 km world instead of 3 and should I get a dollar or .50 cents back ;)))


I am confused by this too

how many biomes did you pick?

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I’m pretty sure the regions doesn’t equal size of the world. As the regions range in size themselves.

I have 2 regions on one planet that together make up the size of the normal regions on the planet.

But I’ve noticed the regions vary on my own planets as well. 28-35 iirc and all of them are 3km. Have 7 planets currently and passed ownership to the 8th

Side note I’ve only explored one planet completely so the ones I have with smaller amount of regions might have giant regions. :sweat_smile:


My choices in biomes have varied from exactly what they said to adding a few, though not ALOT.

Regions are not tied to world size. They are something that gets spat out by the world gen linking similar biome types. The worlds are the same number of plots/blocks wide. If you select a creative 6km world and only pick 1 biome you get 1 massive region.

Edit: reference

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I would love to pick just one biome lol. Surely I’d get my golf course that way…!!!


All my small private have 34 regions.

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Sadly with sovs we can’t pick under the requirements. I tried. I didn’t want a lot of variety on the one planet. Only wanted 5 types of biomes :sweat_smile: but wouldn’t let me continue.

With the minimum number of biomes it’s monotonuous enough.
I got really laaarge areas in case of a few biomes.

Yea I know what it’s like with the minimum. I currently have 6 sovs. And only two of them have a few over the minimum. Still more than I’d actually like.

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The most I did was 4 extra biomes. Still 34 regions but it started look a bit too congested here and there for my taste.
It’s sure quite interesting to experiment with world generator and put it to test by picking some extreme settings. Creative would be better for that though.

Can you re-roll your biomes with creative after the first time?

You would have to reroll the entire planet just like sovereign worlds.

And by reroll you mean buy another :wink:


Yes I do mean buy another

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A reroll option would be nice even if you had to pay a few dollars for it. I’m sure they’d sell lots of rerolls.

My understanding is the regions are all different shapes and sizes, but you always get 3km. That’s based on what Luca said on my prior thread comparing value of world sizes.

Technically 3km is the best bang for your buck because you get it for 9.99 whereas 6km is 29.99 not 29.97, but that’s the only difference.

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