

not long till all my worlds implode…there might be some regret but nothing that can’t be cured with a glass of something wet and alcoholic


I’m resisting the urge to make a dirty joke about my ex girlfriend


Beautiful pics!! :smiley: And haha, I hear ya! :grin: Every one of the ones I bought, there is a lot nice to be said for them. Even the ones I know won’t make the cut, sort of a shame that they’ll go the way of the exos. :wink: The real tough part is the final cut… questions like, do I keep my nice diamond world, given that there are a lot of good mines for that out there already? Do I keep my one good toxic world, since I’ve got a corrosive with emerald spots that are better, given the amethyst overlap?

… None of this stops me from still buying more, just to entertain myself and JUST in case I can do better. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I was also in this mindset lol

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Yep, I need to make some more pictures soon of my rentals since most of them will go poof. For sure will keep two of them around, still need to make up my mind if any of the remaining ones will be the third or if I’m gonna roll a new one in less than two weeks…

Really weird tho, even when they are not quite as I wanted them to be I do find it hard to have to let them go and already thought that if I would win the lottery I would just keep them forever. But I didn’t so…