Hit ‘E’ to interact with the portal from within the Sanctum. It gives you an option to bump it to a safer spot.
i do this and was again in the lava ^^
I think you have to keep hitting it till you are safe, it is kinda annoying.
this is 1 option, but if i press E for a safe location, it should be safe and not after press E the second time or more^^
I may have found either a new bug or something linked with the cause of the game crashing when interacting with machines. I have game footage and some details to go with it that I will post soon. Basically there is a smart stack that changes to #Collection and when there is a smart stack in your inventory that says #collection, when you interact with any machine, it crashes for me. The smart stack was just a stack of stone hammers. I will get my footage together so you can see.
If you are using a wall block on the outer side and trying to connect it with a wall block from the inside, yes that is what it will look like. I am not sure if that is as intended but it makes sense since the wall block only takes up half of the regular sized block. Things don’t snap together like minecraft fences
Yes I can connect them from the other side, but such behaviour doesn’t make much sense to me
Let me post something to see if this makes sense, unless I build wrong I am pretty sure this is how it works.
Walls operate differently then regular blocks.
More precisely, there is no behavior here. As @Beowulf1000 said, blocks don’t snap like MC. To seal gaps like this, try using a whole block on the outer wall.
It should be “technically” safe (i.e. you won’t be set on fire if you step through it, if you are that’s a bug we’d love to know about!). Unfortunately this can still mean that you can get stuck on a couple of blocks in the middle of a lava lake. We’ve tried to balance it to keep the fuss on your end to a minimum without making it an easily exploitable mechanic.
Thanks, I’d love to see that!
after press E in the sanctum I start on a block direct over the lava
So walking through would kill you? That’s not supposed to happen (at least not outside of pretty extreme circumstances). Can you take a screenshot of the area you’re in? After you’ve walked into the world (and with the world/position debug info showing) would be ideal. Thanks!
1 step more and it will be deadly, yes. if I had not turned directly after the portal it would have been deadly
if it will happen again yes i can take screenshot
No that’s fine thanks. It’s working as designed, although perhaps not as intended. I’ll have a chat with @olliepurkiss about ways we could improve it tomorrow.
I think you will find a possibility to improve it, maybe with a query whether lava is in 10 fields around it.
a other problem was this.
i run and fall down in a canyon
- my position after falling down
- position after pressing 3 in sanctum
- position after pressing multiple E
my solution was go offline ^^ but this problem was on the testing world, now I play on the live world because the new patch is live.
@AndyD https://youtu.be/vO25gHotjl4
While it says its a collection, the hammer does not work as a tool to use either. I think it is combining the two different stacks of hammers that are made from different materials. I am not %100 sure what is going on.
Not sure if this is intended or not.
Some parts of the map have been regenerated. The regenerated terrain was not on claimed plots.
For example an area where i was mining no longer has the staircase I hammered out. Also the regenerated terrain did not regenerate with the same blocks as before in some cases.
Regeneration is a feature of the world. It is a as intended feature.