Release 153: Intra World Warps and Grapples!

Nothing gets me more exited for a game release, than bug fixes, and smoothing out the edges.
Keep em coming!


Seraph :shard:


hours? i have over 4k hrs in warframe in less than 3 years. cant wait for boundless to develop more so that i can no life this game too XD


Can YOu still make the warp location picker upgrade? And what does it need to make it?


5 bone extract , requires extractor
5 gold alloy, requires furnace and mixer, mixer requires metals that have gone through compactor and refinery
1440 spark, requires power core
power core requires iron fire pit, ten cogs, 2 machined iron, 5 ancient tech fragments, and two ancient tech components.

the components and gold might be hard to find, the tech components look like rainbow colored wires.

machined metals = ten of one metal into a compactor, then into a refinery, then into workbench.

minor tip: its way tedious to make them… if you make them be careful not to put more than one location picker on the totem at one time. aside from that, its probably easier to just find someone who has been to other planets and obtain the location markers that way.

i mean… a player can just give you the location and you can avoid the location picker entirely

i personally have been from berlyn to nasharil solum elopor where i live therka munteen and septerfon

Well I live on Solum trying to get to the therka market to get more location. I have every machine but the mixer and thats cause I ran out of some materials. Got plenty of spark cause my basement was full of materials to compact and make spark. If ever on Solum would love a marker to Therka. :smile: