What are the recipes for the portal conduit and the portal token?
Portal conduits: Refined stones, Trunk, Lots of spark
And need oort shards, obtained from rough oort
- How do I know how big should be my portal when I start building it?
- Not sure but is this the order of actions:
a) build a portal at a chosen starting point,
b) get a token from that portal,
c) get to a chosen destination via warp
d) build another portal at the destination,
e) put a token from the first portal into the destination portal
f) come back to the starting portal via warp
g) activate the starting portal using shards
can I open the connection by activating the second portal and can come back via portal then? (fuelling just the first portal from that point on) - Am I paying activating cost once (the starting portal) or twice (both starting and destination portal)?
'1. The size requirements are based on distance the same way warps are, so if the warp needs to be 10 conduit blocks for the world distance, a portal between them also needs to be 10 conduits.
2/3. The portal that you press “open portal” on is from that point on, the “source” portal, and to press “open portal” you have to have a token to another portal, which once the portal is opened becomes the “destination”. The destination is passive in the process, it simply receives a connection from the “source” and can be totally empty with no token or shards and takes no part in the fueling of activation costs.
To steal a reference, the portals are just like Stargates, where one stargate could connect to another even if the other had no power whatsoever, and the starting point of the connection was required to keep powering the wormhole, only that instead of ‘dialing an address’, the ‘address’ of the destination is stored in the token you take from that destination
Ah, so if I want the Therka end to be the source I need to get to whenever I open connection with, get a token from a portal there, then I need to come back to Therka and put the token. I have a token from the first portal (at home) I have just built - good you answered quickly or I’d go to Munteen, build a portal there and place the Therka token in, making Munteen the source portal, which I dont want to do ;p