Yes that’s what he’s saying, it’s very odd behaviour that everyone I’ve known in boundless just finds incredibly annoying and plot-draining. It seems to be a discussion that happened a while back and hasnt been reconsidered since…
First beacon post:
Today we’re releasing the first version for player placeable and controlled Beacons (It’s a Christmas miracle!
). This release introduces a lot of the functionality of Beacons, but it’s quite skeletal and doesn’t include a lot of visualisation, feedback or interface. We thought it was important to do a real-world test with the community before we fully commit to this model. Behold the Beacon in all it’s Apple Store esque debug visualisation glory! [image] As this is a r…
@james mentioning the new change a long while back:
Hey - really cool post. It’s interesting to see the distribution of beacons. I’d never considered visualising it like this before. Btw - if you want the real beacon data it would be quite simple for me to share it with you. But your data is probably ~90% correct. A couple of things to remember: The Worlds will regenerate - so if someone does excavate underneath your beacon it will recover. (Maybe the world closest to a beacon should recover faster?) Players have a finite # of beacons - …
@james more recently confirming it’s desired behaviour (but not entirely sure why ):
Yes - it’s a limitation of the current implementation. (I can’t remember exactly why. It might have been to keep the implementation simple when dealing with the case of players removing sections to make disconnected regions. @OortSimon might be able to say more.)
It’s very odd considering @james actually mentioned in the first post that horizontal and vertical structures are just as cool, so why stick a new limitation on just one of them?
Even @ben said this in the first post:
This was a decision we debated about at length. In the end we made the decision for cubic Beacons because we didn’t want to add incentive or disincentive to the shape of players builds.
As they moved from column beacons to cubic beacons, but the vertical limitation affects our builds just as much as column beacons would have.