Dragging Omni’s feedback over here from the Issues thread to add some notes:
I just turned level 38. At level 37, my daily XP bonus required (iirc) 52,136 XP, of which 5213 is granted from logging in. Since this release, I haven’t once completed the objective. To be honest I haven’t made any really concerted effort to, either, but my general expectation is that an objective of this sort is meant to encourage active gameplay, not hours of grinding. Am I wrong??
Over the last three days, I’ve played ~4 hours per day on my main character. Typical breakdown for me is probably ~1 hour mining on ring worlds, 2 hours building, and 1 hour doing non-XP-granting things like shopping, exploring, or talking to people. Total XP per day:
- Day 1: 16k
- Day 2: 10k
- Day 3: 50k
The only time I came anywhere close to making the bonus was yesterday – and that’s only because I completed the Weekly Activity Bonus.
So, without changing my playstyle, I earn on average 1XP/sec. It would take me a little over 13 hours of typical playtime to earn a level-38 daily XP bonus. And because XP gain is relatively flat wrt level, 31.25 hours at level 50. Which, for a daily bonus, seems unlikely to happen…
Let’s say I spend all of my time mining rock. With my current spec (max power, max control, half-max dex, half-max hammer) I can probably break 1 starter-world rock per second, so 4XP/sec. At that rate it would take me 3.25 hours of straight grind.
Found this quote in an old thread:
This sounds fine in principle. Problem is, objectives run out, feats quickly become underpowered for XP – what good is 1000XP if it takes more than 20 minutes or so to obtain? – and contracts don’t exist yet. So we’re left with actions…and frustration. Lots of frustration.
Questions for @james @olliepurkiss @luke-turbulenz (and players too):
How much playtime do you think it should take to level, at levels 10/20/30/40/50?
How long should it take an average player to gain the daily XP bonus?
Where do you intend us to get the majority of our XP, right now? Because, for all that we understand the pre-alpha-ness, it’s hard to playtest a thing when you keep getting stuck on levels.