Release 235: Chiselable Glass and Gleambow Racing!

water flowing behind ornate glass
is this how it supposed to be?

The ornate gleam chest is bigger then a block, do not know if this will cause any problem.

Compliments on and thanks for something: the effects around the exos you see from other planets were tweaked, weren’t they? Very pretty, plus, quite useful - just noticed on Cardass that even with a sandstorm blowing seemed like I could see the outline of the exo much more clearly that I have with other exos in the past. :+1::star_struck:


Lol, I have had this issue so many times. Great that it is gone now.

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Awww… i love the new reflection of the water and the transparent adjustments so much, thank you!
This improves the look through my underwater Glass dome much!
And finally i can look through again!

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Now i just need to chisel it :wink:


And one of my Cave entrances! :heart:


Anyone else noticed that liquid flows through solid glass is it intentional

It doesn’t? if you have chiselled the block in certain ways water will be forced to flow through it, but that is not something specific to glass.

It might just be the way I chiseled it
I’ll check it out more later

It will probably leak like a sieve if you chisel it if it’s just one block thick. If you want to chisel it inside and out then I’m guessing you’re going to have to add another layer or two. My underwater workshop has a curved/sloped roof which I was planning on doing but then I remembered that chiseled blocks leak because people got upset when it was proposed to be fixed because all thier lighting would be ruined.

Tick tock…:sunglasses:


Awww I Loved that Sound I felt like Dee Dee from Dextors laboratory


@TENTHisle did a really nice video about the update too here, figured I’d share! :slight_smile:


Totally not an important issue or priority, but has this always been there?

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The bleed effect texturing?? If so yes. It doesn’t affect all blocks it touches and goes away if you chisel the growth/tangle/corruption

No, the pixelated edge with a bit of white opacity where the arrows are pointing…

It’s possible I just never noticed it before.

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Ahh didn’t notice that until you said something

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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Updated OP with details of the latest release. (The update was released yesterday.) Mainly fixing a couple of crash issues.


so much better! My eyes thank you :boundless: