Remove footfall to balance out the playing field

No one is sad that other people have money (that I have seen in this thread), they are sad that that feel forced to play the game a certain way in order to make money, and that way can feel exploitative/is exploitative/is unbalanced with the rest of the ways to make money in game.

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PS was not the first hub. There were many before it. Anyone can make a hub and make coin


I don’t think there is a problem with footfall and would be sad to see it removed.

The real way to make coin is to play the market, particularly right now while the market is still very unstable.


I think that footfall is pretty small compared to most other ways to make money. To be clear PS has a dozen people working 4-8 hours a day each to keep things running… These people could be doing other things instead and have made much more footfall.


You can make a heck of a lot more money by crafting or gathering and selling stuff. If you don’t want to build for footfall then don’t. It is not the only money maker and it sure isn’t the best money maker. As far as the portal people I am grateful for their portals and that footfall allows them to buy the shards to keep it open. Those portals are NOT cheap to run. If you have ever opened a mid to large size one you would find out just how many shards it takes and how fast it runs through them.


A third way would be to sell to buy baskets. That is good advice if you want coin. That is often where footfall coin is going, whether it’s deserved or not.

Footfall aids buying power. That means it’s available. You need a totem and a diaper to be able to collect things that people request, and you are arguably better placed if you’re in the middle of nowhere to do that. It doesnt exclude anyone, and it’s a great place to start.

Yeah but you said EA backers. That’s one guild who’ve worked hard at doing a particular thing. Likely the most popular hub network in game. I would bet most EA backers have nowhere near PS riches.


With no functional mechanism to centralize the market price information, this instability has no choice but to continue. We can make websites that have shops update their own data, but unless it’s everyone (which it wont be), and unless they keep it VERY up to date (which not everyone will), there will always be significant differences.

The only way I can see to stabilize the market would be to have someone or a group going around dedicated to updating some public website for ALL shops, not just their own, so the data is consistent. But why would anyone do that when they could just keep that information to themselves and make hundreds of thousands of coin per hour for themselves instead (This is a real figure I’ve received from multiple people doing this exact thing).

Yes there are only a certain number of ways to make coin. yes some make more than others. no one is forced to use footfall. footfall is pretty small in comparison.

Aside from some of their hubs being ugly (sorry, any PS members here), I think the PS guild does a ton of amazing work, and I have nothing but good things to say about their impact to the community. Any new theoretical system should reward them just as well as they are currently rewarded. People have issue, it seems, with random people having 10 alts (or however many) put down simple roads that are gleam blocks underneath and piggy-backing off of that work to get easy money. If you could keep footfall the same but somehow discourage that behavior (maybe only visible blocks count for prestige, or something) I think a lot of this goes away. I also happen to think there are issues related to how the game teaches (or, really, doesn’t teach you) how central the economy is, so some change to help smaller builds away from the cities would also be appreciated.

Ok, this gives me a better view of the metrics, thank you.
So, at 20 coin per visitor (twice what you would be making on your own if you were not a part of a larger settlement) That’s still 125 unique visitors per period (as @simoyd pointed out, FF is paid per unique visitor per 48-72ish hour period). So, if you have three days with an even spread of people visiting per day, you should be seeing close to 2-3x that 125 unique visitors per day, with half or a third having visited once in the previous days. That’s 250-375 unique visitors daily and hardly representative of typical FF incomes.
Also, somebody else could correct me if I’m wrong, but your total FF of 10710, is that total collected of the lifetime of the plot? So you’ve only had this property for 4 days? Not shabby IMO. It sounds like you have a very valuable location there!
All the same, 2.5k daily income is tiny income compared to a successful shop.


Exactly. I could make one if I wanted to put that kind of time and effort in. I however enjoy my simple building and what footfall I get from that. I leave the portal hubs to people that want to put their time in that. They deserve every bit of that footfall. They make the game much more enjoyable. People crying about the footfall for those need to spend a week or two not using those portals at all and see how they feel then.

PS costs 3,672 shards per day to run.


I don’t mind these hubs generating insane amounts of footfall personally because if we didn’t have hubs we would all either be wasting money on the blinksecs skill and/or spending thousands of coin a day on travel alone. And this is coming from a ps4 newcomer who started in the boonies averaging 100c a week on footfall on a 18k prestige self made settlement.

However the lack of footfall encouraged me to destory all of that last night and im rebuilding near a city, mainly for easy access to portals im too lazy to run myself. The extra footfall will just be a bonus.

That’s insane. It’s surprising to me that you can make any profit from that kind of overhead. Though I suppose hosting multiple daily hunts nets a great deal of shards too so /shrug. Still, it’s a huge undertaking to maintain such a hub and [PS] deserves to get paid for it.


Wow, don’t you guys pay ~160c per oortstone for excess you can’t earn yourselves too? Yikes!

I mean this is not quite right I think. Footfall only happens if people walk on the plots. If nobody leaves the gateway then no footfall happens outside the gateway. If a community builds around a gateway, then people travel on each-others plots, not just the couple people who haven’t built anything.

Most cities are not even that high prestige. Go make a new town, open a portal to it, take viceroy and rake in the cash. Anyone can do it. @Cakengrad just obtained warden on the cephonix merika gateway in 4 days. That planet has been around and popular (world full issues) for weeks.

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Buy baskets are an imperfect solution, though it certainly is there, I agree. Due to how taxes work there is additional incentive for buy baskets to be under priced on top of the obvious “have to buy it for less than we sell it.” I use them when I stumble onto one that wants what I have plus is buying at a real price, but those seem to be hard to find. I don’t particularly enjoy running around portal hubs for hours trying to find the basket with money in it that is also not insulting me (i.e. buying reactive lamella for 2c or something). I know this game doesn’t want/need an auction house, but short of some sort of system like that which forces price convergence I think buy baskets are too iffy unless you are a dedicated futures trader (which is totally a way you could play the game, just not for me/many).

We wouldn’t if it weren’t for the hunts and many members donating oort for nothing, and many players semi-donating oort for a reduced price. This is work that our members are doing. Getting oort from hunts effectively gets us coin because we don’t have to spend the footfall. It’s all part of the economy. It’s not unbalanced.


That is of course an over simplification, but if someone has a shop right on a portal, or has a portal to their shop in/around a main hub you can’t really deny that they are reaping the rewards of PS’s hard work and making more gain than they would without it/away from the hub. They are already getting a bonus because of their location (more foot traffic = more sales), the footfall feels like double dipping/contributes to there being a “correct” play style in a sandbox game.

But by that logic, linking a portal to one of PS’s ‘shopping areas’ around the gateways would also be piggybacking on their success. It’s not QUITE like that, in my way of looking at it, it’s a symbiotic relationship:

People that link to PS make PS more popular, because it can get to that one extra place / shop / etc (or has it nearby) and in turn, people looking for shops will give footfall to PS (and the shop owner) because they’ll know it’s a centralized location to find many shops.

The success of one boosts the other and vice versa, so it’s not an uneven, parasitical relationship.