Remove skill page cool down when incurring defeat penalty

I guess I just can’t see any real reason to leave it active after defeat, more than have a specific reason to remove it, if that makes sense.

Plus, if defeat removes the +ve buffs, my feeling is that it should remove the -ve ones too, which the skill page cool down effectively is.


And then people can freely change skill pages without worries(reviver brew). Essentially being the same thing as having all skills unlocked on one page no matter where you are.

I should have been more specific and said when defeat penalty is incurred, there is no reason to keep skill page cool down?

(kinda forgot about revives :roll_eyes:)

Edit: changed title to better reflect my intention

Well you lose buffs when you die with a reviver brew active as well. So I see no reason why it shouldn’t be applied at that time too lol or change it so you keep buffs when you have reviver brew active.

But I don’t see how the case stands to get rid of the cool down in a scenario of death penalty. As it is now you can put down a beacon fuel it make it home change skill page and break beacon. Or if you don’t want to lose you main home put down a beacon open warp blocks to home, set new beacon to home walk thru portal, put warp blocks down again(open) change main place beacon back to home change skill page walk back thru portal. Free warp home and back and skill page changed. I know it’s a semi long process but it gets the job done.

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Not on an exo!

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People have more than one page that can survive on an exo?!?!? Lol.

Still don’t see why the need for a removal of the cool down when you die tho. The cool down isn’t even that long. If anything I’d petition to get rid of the skills need to open a portal to the exo. It’s a huge waste of skill points. Shouldn’t be needed imo. Which I think is partial cause for wanting the cool down to be removed but that’s just an assumption since you haven’t given an example of why it’s needed.

As someone that actually plays the game, I don’t think this is a bad idea at all.
In saying that, 15 minutes isn’t really a very long time, either.

I have 3, miner, mapper and gatherer.

This I agree with, but I’ve banged on before about skills needing a full rework, with some attributes being shared over all skill pages.

It’s not, but I still feel like if the defeat penalty removes the +ve buffs, it should remove the -ve one too.

I’d be diving off cliffs after filling crafting queues, lol.