Request a beacon here

I need a beacon please :
World: Meezan
Position: 982.00,149.90,1397.06
Owner: Solaan
Collaborators: N/A

Thank you

World: Vadvy
Position: 38.48, 147.90, -344.66
Owner: ninjaninja2000
Collaborators: no one

I really hope you can do it, could you make it as big as you can?
Also, can I get it quick, I feel like someone is right outside my doorstep
I love this game so much, thanks!!

World: Xewell
Position: -10.54, 70.90, -819.27
Owner: Renoko

Thank you ^^

World : Furthor
Position : -903.94, 142.90, 979.28
Owner : ThavenMooncrow
Collaborators : None

A fifty by fifty square area would be awesome surrounding those central coordinates. If that is feasible.

Please and thank you!

First time requesting one, Hello.

World: qebeql
Position: 623.38, 116.90, 436.43
Owner: jmadp
Collaborators: None

150x150 to the sky please^^ so i can build something in the sky :smiley:

Thanks in advanced!

Hey @jmadp, players can now place beacons in the world. Check out this link for more info, or check out to see how to make the items mentioned in that link.

Also, in case you’ve missed it, worlds will be going offline to make room for worlds with new resources sometime in the near future. So if you care about your build and want it to be around for a long time, perhaps put off your building plans until we get the new worlds. Just a fair warning! :smiley:

Server: Vadvy
Position: 382.67, 213.90, -514.73
Owner: stupid machine
Collaborators: none

@stupidmachine, please read the post above yours.

@james / @Havok40k can we lock this thread or something? Maybe write a final post explaining why it’s being locked?

@Clexarews You can still request beacons because the player placed ones are really small. i got a beacon placed after the new system was online.

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Could I have these beacons increased by 30 blocks please and thank you :slight_smile: In all directions.

Position: 576.06, 65.90, -381.48
Owner: Moonfeast

Thanks :smile:

Hey I’m new and want to set my first beacon:

World: vekil
Position: -28.,71, 122.90, -65,39
Owner: LordTairon
No Collaborators

may be that it’ll go on till the birht of the new worlds … the new beacon (mmmh, bacon :bacon: :blush: ) system allows only kinda small protected areas and till the final day has come there is time to build up something bigger … just for the world’s end’s sake :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I hope you’re right. My eye twitches every time someone posts for a new beacon here.


If people remember that infinite mode may leave us soon some of them maaaay become a bit more active to get the feeling of creating such ultimate grand buildings as well :wink:

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Hi, i want to protect my building space.

World: Civini
Position: -1033, 185, 410.
Owner: Heureka
Collaborators: No

Hi, I would like to protect my build space:

WORLD: Shodi
Position: -1475, 108, -235
Owner: Tillweed
Collaborators: None

Thank you!

Hey there, requesting a beacon for:

World: Omoson
Position: 635.39, 66.90, 1691.70
Owner: Ogburnicus

Hey, I asked for a beacon like two moths ago and I never got it. I decided to be patient but it never came and people keep stealing my stuff and breaking my house so I’m gonna request again.
World: Vadvy
Position: 34.41, 146.90, -349.27
Owner: ninjaninja2000
Collaborators: none

You can already make your own beacons ^^

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