Request a beacon here

may be that it’ll go on till the birht of the new worlds … the new beacon (mmmh, bacon :bacon: :blush: ) system allows only kinda small protected areas and till the final day has come there is time to build up something bigger … just for the world’s end’s sake :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I hope you’re right. My eye twitches every time someone posts for a new beacon here.


If people remember that infinite mode may leave us soon some of them maaaay become a bit more active to get the feeling of creating such ultimate grand buildings as well :wink:

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Hi, i want to protect my building space.

World: Civini
Position: -1033, 185, 410.
Owner: Heureka
Collaborators: No

Hi, I would like to protect my build space:

WORLD: Shodi
Position: -1475, 108, -235
Owner: Tillweed
Collaborators: None

Thank you!

Hey there, requesting a beacon for:

World: Omoson
Position: 635.39, 66.90, 1691.70
Owner: Ogburnicus

Hey, I asked for a beacon like two moths ago and I never got it. I decided to be patient but it never came and people keep stealing my stuff and breaking my house so I’m gonna request again.
World: Vadvy
Position: 34.41, 146.90, -349.27
Owner: ninjaninja2000
Collaborators: none

You can already make your own beacons ^^

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World: TESTEU2
Position: 1653, 65, 569
Owner: yo-am-loco
Collaborators: none

P.S. Can you let me keep the area I’ve made. I want it to be able to transfer to 1.0 later on. There is no gleam in it, Don’t care about the lighthouse with the gleam so it’s not part of the place I made please.

P.S.S. so if we have the beacons already wouldn’t it increase more than 12 beacons because I’ve read that the number limit will increase before the release of 1.0 of the game.

Hi, I’d love a beacon for my new(ish) water tower that is taking shape here:

World: Cshrime
Position: 2310.25, 89.60, 200.42
Owner: Piperjimm
Collaborators: none

World: TestEu2
Position 0, 117, -86.50
Owner: Miige
Collaborators: Miige, Datatron

ps. if its bossible to get beacon what would be 173 blocks Long and 58 blocks wide to cover whole building, (24 plots are not enough so i ask here.)

I don’t think the new worlds will be using the old style dev created beacons - they were only really made available as an interim measure to protect builds prior to the player created beacon system being released in-game.

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Yeah, we could almost close this thread now.


World: testus1
Postition: -379, 90, -247
Owner: CunningCelt
Collaborators: None

I see that it says I can have 24 plots, I’d like this beacon to be as large as possible (even if it takes up all my plots), going up to the water and back as far inland in a square if possible. If not, one beacon at this location will do as well, I’ll just have to make due with a tower instead of a castle. Thanks.

Like @Stretchious said I’m almost 99% sure they wont add dev beacons to the new worlds…

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100% they do not exist in the code-base anymore whatsoever.


Seems like confirmation that we in fact can close this thread now. Well…you or @Stretchious or some other leader can anyway.

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