Request to stop nerfing footfall

Some investigation in this thread: Is footfall broken?

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Would be nice if the God’s of Boundless (aka devs) can either confirm the change or not tbh :thinking:


Ok that was interesting the dev never said a change had not been made. And never said it was a bug. Just said sometimes changes did not make release notes. So how did they expect that to be interpreted?

He probably doesn’t know what’s causing the change in footfall. His reply was trying to respond to the secret nerf accusations, and point out that they’re not malicious when they do occur.

So, I don’t think we can draw a conclusion there. Could be a bug, could be an intentional change that they forgot to communicate, could be a problem with the methodology (but it seems solid), could be a secret nerf (but also seems extremely unlikely)

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I don’t see that there have been any changes to the footfall logic or configuration values regarding footfall, so either a bug was introduced, or its working correctly and there simply “is” less footfall being awarded due to player’s actions themselves.


Would you care to review the test methodology I posted in the related topic and verify that, by its results, footfall appears to be working as intended? :slight_smile:

Any developer feedback on this issue would be very welcome.

Link to the post: Is footfall broken?

Edit: Also any suggestions on how to improve the accuracy of the test are welcome, by devs and fellow scientifically minded players alike.

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Thank you for clearing everything up, appreciate you.

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I know there was an update to footfall mechanic sometime ago where you get less footfall when the beacon owner doesn’t visit the beacon as often anymore. Overtime, the footfall you get per visiting player goes down.

Since my road is in the middle of the hub, i’m constantly going over it with the owning char to help people with portals or other things. So it’s definitely not that XD

Your still making a buttload more a day than most people make in a month on footfall. Footfall is not suppose to be a persons sole income. You can’t increase the values without just as many angry players who feel like they are missing out.

The main thing is to not assume the dev’s did it. As already mentioned by others. And a dev chimed in and squared it Away on their end.

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You’re wrong on this. There are people who only want to build. Why are they not allowed to make money while building nice things? We built a portal hub that has a nice appearance to it. Why do we not deserve to earn money for doing such? Why is making money only for gatherers, crafters, and hunters?


Going off old post on footfall directly from the devs, footfall is rewarding yes, but not the staple income you depend on. I love footfall. I like building worthy things that increase players curiosities and footfall.

I’m the first to chime in on the footfall doomsdayers. But it is still none the less not intended to be a staple income. Just a humble reward for creative building by the devs. That said, those who built hubs and awesome roads and own cities, did nothing different than you or I could have done with the same amount of time or energy.

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You’re right. Anyone could do it with time and energy. And the constant daily upkeep :wink:

Basically, portal hubs are a job. The footfall is our paycheck, and since we are technically the government, we have to pay upkeep to keep the roads(portals) from breaking up and being unusable. So in my personal opinion, having footfall give enough to be able to keep hubs like that up is the best for the game. Don’t know many players who would have the patience to play without hubs in general.


And to add to this, We also have to buy/gather the oortstone to upkeep the roads. So every dime we make goes directly into the economy. So it’s literally a government lol.

I didn’t read any footfall nerf on any patch notes.
So i guess its a bug maybe ?
or it just population of this game drop ?

They better stop change anything without note on the patch notes again.
(its really unprofessional.)

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It’s funny people are saying that we know which shops to use and stuff so we travel less/go directly to the portals we need, but everyone is changing prices fairly often so if you’re only hitting the same stores you’re missing out. I’ve found plenty of deals lately. I’ve been running around buying stuff from shop A and B and selling to shop C and D for a decent profit with minimal effort.


Yesterday as a test my friend on another account ran an alt he never plays through ten of my test beacons and generated ZERO footfall. This myth is hard-confirmed. 10k prestige or close on all the beacons in the settlement.

You don’t need Money for anything @wolfpack2012. Just get a bunch of people together, Hunt some Meteors, and there you go. A bunch of Resources to sell, and Oortstone to use for the portals.

Stop being lazy, and work for what you build!

Artists create Art for free, just to make Art. Some of them make Art for money by Restricting who can view it, and others do Commissions, where people pay them to draw something for them.

So why not do the same thing with building, as they are effectively the same thing?

Build for free. And if you want money, either Cover it completely and charge people to come in and view the creations, or Have people pay you to build something for them.

Instead of Footfall, put in a Donation Box, where people can donate coins directly, without having to buy something. If people like what you created, they will donate. If they don’t like it, they won’t Donate, so you can remove said creation and create something better.

And if you really want to make it more realistic too, Artist make very very little money. Working at Mc Donalds for a month nets you more money than most artists make in a year.

So realistically, Builders should be making the least money out of all the roles, not the most money.

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Portal hubs will not be sustainable forever.

Like everything they will rise and fall pushing their owner to optimize and evolve. Instead of blindly burn fuel for useless destinations and oversized structures.

Everything goes as planned.

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footfall is not instant. it seems to show up only in chunks.